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Welcome to Teen Challenge – Centre’s Located Across Canada

Service: Team Challenge is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program with centre’s across Canada, providing a program and service to those struggling with alcohol and / or addiction to other drugs. Providing a service for adults 18 years and older, with centres located in Alberta, Atlantic Canada, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. Now serving men and women in all regions of Canada.

Process: The program typically is 12-18 months, which gives the necessary time to heal without negative influence, such as drugs, as well as emotionally and spiritually change.

Application Process:

Acceptance Process:

Once you are approved, you will be placed on a waiting list pending available bed space. When one becomes available, your entrance day will be scheduled.

To maintain your position on the waiting list, you are required to call the centre weekly to demonstrate your continued interest in the program.

Prior to arriving, please:

  • Read the Program Overview: Download Here
  • Read What to Bring: Women   /  Men
  • $1,000 Entrance Fee* (non-refundable and non-receiptable) fee must be paid on your entrance day

Access: The Service, Process and Access may vary across Canada. Check out our centres located in Alberta, Atlantic Canada, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. Speak to a program coordinator and go through the process to start your recovery journey.