Hi and welcome to The EnergyWize University Of Life, based in Edmonton, Canada. I’m Carl Heath the founder, a self published author, speaker, former professional athlete, sportsman, coach and mentor, with over 35 year’s experience. Studying stress, human biology and behaviour for over 28 years, I have developed the Human Technology concept, creating The EnergyWize A-R-T Skills System.
Experiencing family difficulties, from the age of six until the age of 15 (1974 – 1983) I spent most of my childhood growing up in an orphanage. Switching off in my last year at school I left with no qualifications and direction in life soon to be caught up in the negative influences of life on the street. Inspired through depression, reconnecting with long distance runner and playing soccer, instilled in me through school, I found my release, experiencing a mental breakdown and emotional break through in 1985/86, connecting to the universal flow of potential that would guide me through life. Taking control, I would go on a journey of healing and self discovery, taking the journey from the head back to the heart.

By the age of 19, I was playing semi-professional soccer, which led me to coach soccer with my local professional club, Hull City AFC. Coaching in many schools and summer camps in the UK, America and Australia. Experiencing dance and drug culture around 1987 – 1991, with ecstasy, acid, cocaine and anphetamins-speed and weed the drugs of choice, experiencing my second break down and break through, back in to fitness and soccer, once again movement became my medicine. Soon travelling Europe, Gran Canaria, working in Tenerife and Portugal, sleeping on beaches, doing timeshare and working in the bars. Coming back to the UK, I would settle into a relationship, unable to hand the responsibility I was soon back in to the dance and drug culture.

Struggling with life, regret, anxiety and no direction, at the age of 24, going into a local boxing gym I would experience my greatest shift, experiencing my 3rd break down and break through. Boxing amateur, moving on, boxing professional and also teaching boxing fitness. At 29 (1997), I retired from boxing to find my true purpose, working with challenged youth I could relate to through my own life experience. Developing BoxWize, working in alternate learning and within mainstream schools, I started teaching youth how to control, release and channel emotional stress and physical energy through the boxing fundamentals, learning to boost positive energy and focus, developing skills for life.

Whilst developing BoxWize, I co-organized and set up boxing world title training camps for Paul Ingle, IBO and IBF Featherweight World Champion Paul Ingle and Stevie Smith, IBC World Light Weight World Champion, also working with athletes and sports stars from Great Britain rugby league, English Premiership soccer players.. From 2002 to 2003 I designed and created BoxWize Challenge World Record Events, promoting my work and supported by top sports people and featured in the UK press/media on ITV, BBC, SKY TV and SKY NEWS.

EnergyWize University Of Life – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada – 2014 – 2024
Travelling the UK, Europe and across the world, using my own life experience, studying stress, human biology and behaviour, attending many seminars and healing retreats, I have experienced an array of energy healing modalities, also sourcing tools to develop positive energy. Providing StressWize presentations and setting up many BoxWize facilities in schools, also in fitness and sports centres and at the Hull University. The core of my work being with youth, I would work with Hull Youth Justice Service, UK for over 9 years, preventing reoffending (2004-2013). Coming to Edmonton, AB, Canada in 2013 to be with my Canadian son, going through adversity I would go on a deeper journey of healing and self discovery.

Using my coaching and mentorship, sharing my life experience and guest speaking, I’ve delivered The StressWize Guide – Reaction Vs Response in many schools, creating successful BoxWize Skills Development programs, working with YESS, Youth Empowerment Support Services, athletes, hockey teams and professional clients. In 2018, further developing my work through the EnergyWize University Of Life, and my philosophy human technology, I created the EnergyWize A-R-T Skills System, a holistic approach to stress management and skills development. Inspiring and empowering people to releasing the power of potential in life, education, athletics and sports.

2023 – 2024 Canadian Tour: Empower 2 Recover Foundation – Mental Health & Addictions Events: Co-creating Empower 2 Recover Foundation events and an online platform, I’ve had the opportunity to guest speak across Canada. From New Westminster BC, Kenora and Timmins Ontario, Calgary and Edmonton Alberta and Saskatoon. Sharing the stage with over 100 lived experienced speakers from all walks of life, with over 90 community assets showing up, treatment centres, alternative recovery programs, recovery nutrition, energy healing modalities and holistic health services, inspiring and empowering people through recovery from mental health and addiction.

UK & Canadian Experience & Qualifications: 1991 – 2014
- Played Semi Professional Soccer: 1987 – 1994
- Hull City Football In The Community > FA Coaching & Education Scheme Certificate 1991
- Community Sports Leader Award Certificate: 1991
- Swimming Pool Attendant – Life Guard – Bronze Medallion: 1991
- BAWLA Weight Lifting Instructor Certificate: 1992
- 16 Years Experience in Security – Wine Bars / Night Clubs / International Events: 1987 – 2003
- 10 Years Experience / Performing Arts & Entertainment: 1993 – 2003
- Boxing Amateur & Professional: 1994 – 1997
- Boxercise Instructor Certificate 1997
- 16 Years Experience at The Fountain House School > Alternative Learning – 1997 – 2013
- BoxWize Skills Program Originator – 1997
- Behaviour Management / Breakaway Techniques Certificate: 2000
- Drugs Awareness Training Certificate: 2001
- Youth Stress – Positive Handling Strategies Certificate: 2001
- Co-organised and set up two World Title Boxing Training Camps: 1999 – 2003
- Created and participated in BoxWize World Record Events: 2002 – 2003
- Brief Therapy Skills For Stopping Addictions Certificate: 2004
- EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques Certificate: 2004
- Created StressWize Fitness & Wellbeing – 2004
- Reiki Healing, First Degree Certficate: 2007
- Safeguarding Children System Certificate / Youth Justice Service: 2011
- 9 years experience with Hull Youth Justice Service, preventing reoffending: 2004 – 2013
Canadian Experience & Qualifications: 2014 > 2023
- Canfitpro > Fitness Instructor Specialist Certificate – 2015
- Canfitpro > Certified CPR & AED Certificate – Health Canada – 2015 Onwards
- LifeStyle Meditation > Teach Teens Instructor Certificate – 2016
- NPCC / Vendor Process > School & Youth Work
- Created EnergyWize University Of Life – Stress Management > Skills Development – 2018
- Canfitpro’s > Developing Stress Resiliency – 2017
- Canfitpro > Children’s Fitness Coach Certificate – 2018
- Canfitpro > Tosca Reno’s – Eat Clean Nutrition Certificate – 2019