Personal Development > Online > Group Presentations > Workshops

Youth – Athlete’s / Youth Projects > Mainstream Schools / Families > Sports > Business Team Building Programs

Based at The Legends Family Training Centre, Edmonton, Canada, and Available in Surrounding Areas > Ages 10 to Adults Of All Ages: With over 35 years as a sportsman, coach and mentor, using my own life experience, studying stress, human biology and behaviour, over the last 25 years I have created my philosophy human technology and how to access our true power within through the EnergyWize A-R-T Skills System.

Private sessions can be delivered local in Edmonton, Canada or online Mountain Standard Time, (UK is 7 hours ahead).  Over the Phone or through FaceTime / Skype. Individual sessions can be delivered over 45 Mins to 1 Hour.

The StressWize Guide > Reaction VS Response: The StressWize Guide Presentations will give you a unique perspective, learning to see stress in a new light, understanding reaction verses response. Learning to harness the power of stress, developing emotional awareness and the ability to respond, using heart-mind intelligence.

  • About Stress > Reaction VS Response
  • What’s Your Release? > Developing Positive Energy
  • Recognizing Reactions in Ourselves and Others Around Us
  • Developing Skills for Life, Education, Athletics and Sports

Get Your BoxWize Intro Session – BoxWize is non contact and teaches the boxing fundamentals with a holistic approach. Switch On, Tune In: The BoxWize Intro Session will take you through a step by step guide, warming up, switching on and tuning in, then developing footwork, technique, skills and drills. Release & Recharge: Learning to control, release and channel emotional stress and physical energy positively, improving positive mental energy, strength and focus.

  • Activate – Switch On, Tune In
  • Base & Footwork
  • Technical Skills & Drills
  • Switching Left & Right Stance
  • Learning to Release & Recharge

Tap > Release > Boost Your Positive Energy Flow: Originated as EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, the TapWize – 2 Minute Stress Buster will take you through a step by step guide on how to use your finger tips to perform a tapping technique on specific stress relief and positive energy points on the body. Learning to unblock and release negative emotions and stress, boosting  your positive energy system and flow.

  • Improve relaxation for a good nights sleep & rejuvenation
  • Great tool for children to self regulate and feel calm

Boost positive energy and focus for;

  • Education and study / Management and Sales
  • Business Meetings and Presentations
  • Fitness and Sports Performance

Weekly Schedule-Available: Mon–Fri: 6am–5pm / Sat: 9am–2pm / Sun: 9am–2pm / Evenings Can Be arranged On Availability

Create Your Custom Designed EnergyWize Skills Program from The A-R-T Skills System