Upgrading! The Electromagnetic Universe Is Integrating With Quantum Consciousness Technology – QFS

Coming Out Of The Matrix >  We Can Heal The World and Build a New Earth

Letting Go Of The Past > Hearts & Minds Coming Together: It’s now 2025 and more and more people across the world are waking up, once you see Waldo you can’t unseen him!. Many of us are going through the psychological process, coming together, reconnecting, opening the heart and freeing the mind, sharing, seeing the light of truth and letting go. Connecting the dots, seeing through the left brain power structure, the fear based mind programming and social conditioning through the matrix. With love and compassion, if you fell for the media matrix mind programming, was totally taken over,  took the cool aide, felt financial pressure, fighting and falling out with loved ones, it’s understandable. Through all of the stress, chaos, drama and despair, humanity is seeing with new eyes feeling a deeper sense of knowing and going through the great awakening.

Miss & Disinformation, Lies, Conspiracies Theories, Truth and Facts


Phones – Devices > Live & Direct > Switching On, Tuning In: Fascinating to see how we have direct access through our phones and devices to the mainstream media matrix and alternative channels and social media. The touch of a finger and there you are live and direct taking it all in, observing or being consumed with everything we can access through the cosmic information communication highway! Seeking the truth, sharing my life experience and bringing this book together since 2020, switching and tuned 24/7, collecting data downloading, grounding and integrating the information in this book, patiently bringing it together day by day. With miss and disinformation blasting the airwaves, with the polarizing challenge to make sense and use your intuition, what’s lies, conspiracy theories, the truth and facts. Remember which search engines to use, the left brain indoctrination through headucation guides you in to the world of artificial thinking. Many of us can set and stuck in our ways, running the same old program on your internal hard drive and operating system. Unwilling to look outside the box (TV), unaware of were to look, with excess new alternate media channels and social media. Not doing the research or struggling to discern what you see or hear, many of us experiencing cognitive dissonance, the challenge to change our beliefs.

Finding Truth: Conspiracy Theories > Conspiracy Facts: Remember where the word conspiracy theorist comes from, the CIA, Project Mocking Bird – Check out chapter 4. Interest how many conspiracy theory have become conspiracy facts. The truth is our beliefs can create internal conflict and the truth will set you free. Now we can see how distracted we have become, it’s time to expand your mind and hearts view on what’s true? what resonates with you, feel it through. Let’s come together, ask questions, share perspective, learn more about what’s really happing, it’s time to have an honest conversation, it’s time to find the truth.

As the energy, frequency and vibration is cranking up on planet planet earth, our human technology interconnected to the electromagnetic universe, in a paradigm shift and quantum leap, let me share my perspective, along with all the truthers and conspiracy theorist’s, it’s official I’m a conspiracy therapist!!, how we have the amazing opportunity and potential to help heal the world and build a new earth.

Raising Our Energy, Frequency and Vibration

Nikola Tesla, Physicist, Electrical Engineer and Inventor, 1856 – 1943, creator of free energy and famous for his quoteIf You want To Know The Secrets of  The Universe, Think In Terms Of Energy, Frequency and Vibration”.

Energy Healing Technologies > Blocking 5G Artificial EMF’s: Coming in to the late 1990’s technology age, many amazing energy healing and boosting technologies were coming in to the light, bringing a self help revolution, for health, healing and wellbeing. Healers, spiritual practitioners and enthusiasts across the world learning to create technologies tools like Tesla Scalar Waves and Zero Point Energy, allowing you to block EMF’s, the low energy Electro Magnetic Frequencies and the 5G weaponry around us today. With many energy healing technologies controlled and hidden away from humanity, the world is waking up and getting wiser, learning how to naturally raise our energy, frequency and vibration. Below are a few energy healing technologies we can access today with more suppressed technologies being released in the future.


  • Schumann Resonance > Grounding – The Earth’s Frequency
  • Tesla Scalar Waves > Zero Point Energy / Energy Flow > Humans, Plants, Animals
  • Solfeggio Frequencies > Personal Healing / Higher Energy > Heart Frequencies
  • Positive Orgone – Orgonite > Atmospheric Energy / Protection From WiFi > Cell Towers

Free Tesla Electromagnetic Energy: Is Tesla free electromagnetic energy the future? replacing electricity, allowing us to run the home, our vehicles, taking over technology airwaves, networks, internet and potentially integrating with QCT, Quantum Consciousness Technology going next level. With Tesla healing beds around the world, allowing us to experience amazing regeneration and rejuvenation.

Healing Centre’s – Med Beds > Celestial Chambers: With amazing energy healing technologies, the possibilities are endless, with Healing Centre’s in every city across the world. The introduction of med beds already being used and integrated with the military alliance. Along with Jared Rand’s celestial chambers, allowing humanity to heal and naturally supercharge our energy, frequency and vibration, boosting our electromagnetic energy system and flow, reversing ill health and more, part of the new health and wellbeing paradigm shift. Checkout for more.

Humanity Is Going Through A Quantum Leap


The Death Of Artificial Thinking > The Rebirth Of Quantum Consciousness: In this technology age, artificial intelligence can be good for humanity but in the wrong hands, controlled by the deep state technocrats, elites and the institutions hijacking the internet and the world wide web. Like I say the left brain power structure controlling our institutions, indoctrination through headucation, with talking heads, AI and Chat GBT the latest evolution, taking over information communication technology, dictating and controlling how we should think, feel and behave, watch for the thought police!. Collage Campuses and Universities producing too many your over thinking lefty’s! Language and spelling as got us in a spell, lacking emotional intelligence, we are now in the death of artificial thinking and the rebirth of quantum consciousness.


Our Human Technology > Integrating With Quantum Consciousness Technology: Switched on and tuned in, through our phones and devices, connected through the cosmic information super highway, learning to download, ground and integrate life experience, upgrading our bright response software. In a quantum leap and quickening, our human technology is upgrading, our heart’s electromagnetic interconnected to the electromagnetic universe is now integrating with QCT, Quantum Consciousness Technology, attuned to humanities energy, frequency and vibration. Reconnecting with god consciousness, the source, creator, our heart-mind intelligence within. In a technology age of truth and transparency, there is so much happing and so many moving parts that are coming together. Now we are going Quantum let’s share some more insight.

Space Force > Space – Star Link > AI > QFS

The QFS – Quantum Financial System > The Internal Operating System?


Space Force > Space – Star Link > AI > QFS: It’s all up in the air and putting all the pieces together to paint a picture is the great challenge. Question’s; is there extraterrestrial off planet technology involved?. Is the United States Space Force; Air Force, Army and Navy Military Space Programs interconnected connected to Space Link, a secure WiFi network in space working with Star Link support?. So many moving parts all synchronizing and working together. Does QCT, Quantum Conscious Technology have a QFS – Quantum Financial System?. If so, is the QFS the internal operating system merging with good AI, Artificial Intelligence? QFS uses blockchain technology, creating a new financial infrastructure, promising enhanced security, real-time transactions, and decentralization. Using DLT, Digital Ledger Transaction, covering the global network and based on precious metals, Gold, Silver and precious resources with every country having gold backed bullion banks, integrating QFS throughout the world over time. Could this be ending the reign of the American Petrodollar and its control over the world?.


Quantum Consciousness Technology > Interesting Links To Check Out

Is the Q World Military Alliance, space force and space link taking us beyond, out in to the galaxy!. Interesting, check out the Quantum Consciousness Technology development and links, being integrating with humanities energy, frequency and vibration. Learn more about The US National Quantum Initiative . Learn more about The Quantum Space Revolution . Learn more about Quantum Technology Phones  Pre-Order Your Q-Phone at the Quantum Generation Q-Phone > Get Onboard!. Then there’s Quantum Education and Voting, electing real leadership.


A Quantum Education and Voting Systems: A Quantum Education System will influence a child’s true potential, inspired learning that is empowering, producing bright kids with heartful minds.

A Quantum Voting System: Transparency in voting, changing governments and politics across the world for forever, bringing true leadership, giving power back to the people.


 Q Phones – Devices > Be Your Own Bank

 The Financial Software  > QFS – Ripple, XRP, XLM, Bitcoin & Crypto Currency


Q Phones – Devices: Using our mobile phones and devices, and Q Phones coming, becoming your own bank, you will have the availability of trading and transfer digital currency from the phone for free, bringing personal freedom and sovereignty back to the world. Along with a cash set up to integrate people in to the system. Crypto Currency – Financial Software: Financial advisors and experts showing up on alternative channels and social media, sharing their wisdom, knowledge and insight on what’s going on in the financial world of electronic currency. Is Bitcoin, XLM, XRP Crypto Currency a financial software?, and is Ripple the main plug in to the QFS operating system? Are we moving from an old swift interest grabbing system to a whole new world and education in managing money, finances and wealth?


QFS ? > NESARA – GESARA – Behind The Scenes

QFS? > NESARA – GESARA is said to be  a Transition To Greatness: a world currency re-evaluation, forgiveness of debt and minimum tax. Legacy funds for humanitarian projects and so much more. Is the QFS related to the NESARA – GESARA project?

Conspiracy Theory? QFS – NESARA/GESARA: Learning the potential for great change the financial system, NESARA, GESARA was constantly popping up, known as a conspiracy theory?. Interesting. That all debts will be wiped out in a radical reset of the U.S. economy. It is a reference to the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), a set of U.S. economic reforms proposed in the 1990s, which included abolishing compound interest on loans, replacing income tax with a national sales tax and returning U.S. currency to the gold standard. While the proposals were never actually introduced before Congress, conspiracy theorists like Goodwin claim that they were secretly passed by Congress and then suppressed by George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

NESARA is said to be implementing the following changes and others:
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt .
2. Abolishes the income tax.
3. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential-new-items-only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
4. Increases benefits to senior citizens.
6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts.
7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
8. Creates a new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals.
For complete information:

Oct 2024: QFS > BRICS Nations?: Once again the BRICS Summit meet up October 2024 in Kazan, Russia, with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, along with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and many more countries joining, As we stand on the brink of a quantum revolution, the role of the BRICS nations could be pivotal. Their journey into quantum computing is a story of technological advancement and a testament to the power of collaboration and shared ambition among emerging economies. Is QFS and The BRICS Nations interconnected?


The Stock Market Crash? > End Of The Petrodollar?: The question is, will there be a stock market crash? taking power away from those that run it behind the scenes, insider trading, corruption, money laundering, along with the end of the petrodollar, taking the power of money from the global elites dark money trading.

What Do You Believe (Head) What Do You Know (Heart)

There is so much going on behind the scenes but remember what you create in your hearts mind is fully your responsibility. The reality is, as the world wakes up, there are so many moving parts, what you believe and what you know is being greatly challenged. The truth is, fear can stop you but your heart will guide you, if you have a deeper sense of know, your probably on the right track!..

Connecting The Dots > Coming Out Of The Matrix 

The End Of The Left Brain Power Structure

The Left Brain > Mental Constructs of Control and Fear: Now we are of our history over the last century, the left brain mental constructs of control and fear, created by the Rockefeller-WHO Rothchild-WEF, Big Pharma debt slave financial tax system. The indoctrination through Headucation, the college, universities and institutions, all the systems of control, rules, regulations, laws and a judicial system, along with the left brain –  negative reactivity  cycle,  disconnecting us from our hearts, the double whammy designed to stress us out, wear us down, leaving us stuck in our heads, in a reactive mind loop, in a 5 sensory illusion of confusion, stuck in the matrix of the mind.

The Left Brain > Negative Reactivity Cycle: Imagine a world were we could end the the left brain – negative reactivity cycle, perpetuated through the technology information communication age of reactive programming and social conditioning. through, glorified alcohol, drugs and violence in the movies, violent video games, gangster rap with violent lyrics, sexualization, pornography and gambling, language, subliminal messaging, spelling – spells, symbolism and hypnotism. The dysfunction influencing negative behaviour through broken relationships, families, homelessness, feeling helpless and hopeless, caught in the system. Violence, crime, policing, guided through a judicial and prison system, Big Pharma mental institutions, psychotherapy and rehabilitation centres, recovery programs and an endless negative reactivity cycle, and epidemic in mental health and addiction, depression, anxiety, overdose and suicides.

The Empower 2 Recover Foundation – Events Coast 2 Coast Across Canada: In 2022 I started co-creating The Empower 2 Recover Foundation, supporting those struggling with mental and addictions.  E2R events coast to coast across Canada, bringing 117 lived experienced speakers, 97 treatment centres, recovery programs, community partners  and businesses together, to raise awareness, share stories of hope, strength, love and compassion. Its time to come together to help heal the world.

In A Quantum Leap > Paradigm Shift

A New World > Family > Community > Prosperity

Awareness – Human Biology > Activating Human Technology – Releasing Our True Inner Potential: Humanity is on the journey from the head back to the heart, in a quantum leap and paradigm shift, we are coming out of the old in to the new, on the future time line. The cosmic information communication super hight bringing truth transparency and positivity, proactive programming, advertising innovation, inspiring and empowering our lives. Coming back to family, values, love, connection, support and community unity. Learning to understand stress, human biology and how to activate our human technology through exercise, movement, martial arts, athletics, sports, connecting with the electromagnetic universal flow integrating with quantum consciousness technology, powered by the frequency of good nutrition, supplements and natural farmed foods. Recognizing reaction from response, learning to process through our thoughts, feelings and emotions, energy in motion, learning to upgrade, downloading, grounding and integrating life experience. Many of us rescuing and reconnecting with our inner child, our inner-sense, imagination and vision, attuning our faith and spirituality. Staying in the heart, exercising responsibility and the ability to respond through emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence, constantly improving our personal growth, developing skills for life, leadership, living with purpose, releasing our true inner potential.

Health Care System > Humanitarian Projects: Imagine an health care system, integrating naturopathic medicines, nutraceuticals, remedies and healing herbs, with the release of energy healing and boosting technologies to supercharge your wellbeing. Self care and healing centres providing innovative technology for healing, rejuvenation and regeneration. Positive AI tools to support and advance humanity, the economy uplifted by energy and resources,  financial growth through technology and systems, with energy, the frequency of love the new currency. An RV world currency reevaluation across the world, your health your wealth in a time of prosperity, with investment in to humanitarian projects, we have an amazing opportunity and potential to  heal the world and build a new earth.

Healing The World > Building a New Earth

We Have The Future In Our Hands

I hope this book has helped you to see the greater light we all have within, to know the true power we have to create a future were we live together in love and light.


The Great Awakening: Breaking Through The Matrix Of The Mind © 2025 

Intro / ContentsAuthors Journey / Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/  8 /9 /10 /11

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