Activating Human Technology > Upgrading – Switching On Left, Right and Whole Brain Function

Our Heart’s Are Electromagnetic >  Switching On and Tuning In to The Electromagnetic Universe

Human Biology – Reaction (Head) > Human Technology – Response (Heart)

We are fascinating human beings with amazing potential, and when we become more aware of our internal world and dynamics, learning to understand our human biology and human technology being one, connecting the dots in our inner world, recognizing reaction from response we can learn to harness our true power within, learning to switch on and tune in to the universal flow of potential.

Caveman – Moving From Reaction to Response:  Looking back in time, when experiencing great stress and danger, the caveman would learn to stay calm and present, using strength, strategy and skills to overcome the challenge of the sabre tooth tiger, developing their ability to respond, overtime they would successfully harness the skills to live, hunt and survive. Even though in today’s world there is no sabre tooth tiger, it’s a good analogy to realize no matter how great the stress and pressures are in life we can learn to develop our ability to respond, moving from reaction to response, from the head back to heart, using our heart-mind intelligence.

Reaction > Old Caveman Software – Response > Our Bright Response Software

Laptop Analogy: Now we are aware of the laptop analogy and our old fear reactive caveman software – Freeze, Flight, Fight and Fawn, moving from reaction to response, activating our human technology we can learn to switch on and tune in, upgrading our Bright Response software on our internal hard drive and operating system. Let’s now look at our human biology, human technology and our electromagnetic energy system and flow.

We Are Electromagnetic > The Electromagnetic Universe

Our Electromagnetic Energy System (Chakras) and Flow (Meridians): We are becoming more aware that our human biology and human technology are one, and that our electromagnetic energy system is intricately interconnected with the electromagnetic universe and flow.  Our mental, emotional and physical body is made up of energy chakras, which are like radio stations that are interconnected with our energy channels and flow called Meridians. Current research shows that our thoughts are electric and our emotions are like frequencies, and that information, thoughts and feelings transmit and channel through our electromagnet energy system and flow. Our chakras and meridians pass through all our major organs such as: heart, lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys, which can have a large impact on our health and wellbeing.

Below the Stage 3 of activating flow illustration. Giving you a visual of our internal dynamics, along with the information inspiration within this book, becoming more aware of how we can move from reaction > the head, to response > the heart, learning to switch on and tune in to the universal flow of potential, now we are integrating with quantum consciousness technology in a great awakening, breaking through the matrix of the mind.

 Activating Our Human Technology > Switching On Heart-Mind Intelligence

Mind-Body Connection > Movement > Martial Arts > Athletics > Sports: Learning to move our bodies through exercise, a martial arts such as Brazilian jiu jitsu, dancing, rhythm and movement, athletics and sports, many activities can naturally improve mind-body connection, just like the brain gym approach. Walking, using breathe work and meditation can also be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. Some of us are ambidextrous, both right and left handed but most of us are right handed and dominant on the right side of our bodies, like kicking a soccer ball, bating a baseball or playing tennis. Understanding how the right side of the body is connected and controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and the left side of the body is connected and controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, makes sense how many of us become left brain dominant, especially if inactive and not moving the body.

BoxWize Skills Program – 1997 > 2024: Whilst developing my BoxWize concept since 1997, I started incorporating brain gym movement patterns in to my skills system, using physical coordination to alternatively cross over from the left and right side of the body. Learning to Switch On, Tune In > Release & Recharge: Learning to switch right and left base, improving footwork, technique, skills, drills and mind-body connection, switching on and tuning in, improving left, right and whole brain function. The brain gym integrated and coordinated approach to learning, can enhance high-level brain cognitive functions such as executive functions (flexible thinking, problem-solving, planning, organizing, working memory), sensory skills, processing speed, attention, and long-term memory.

BoxWize – Download > Ground > Integrate: When we learn new skills, we can listen cognitively, taking in the information, then visually see, kinaesthetically feeling, sensing and physically downloading, going through the process to learn. Positive Stress Release: Like I teach through my BoxWize concept, at the same time as learning to control, release and channel emotional stress and physical energy positively, your downloading the skills and drills physically, then grounding and integrating, over time we develop a strong a foundation for life.

Stress: Amygdala Reactive Brain > Prefrontal cortex > Heart-mind intelligence: The truth is in today’s world there is no wooly mammoth just different levels of intensity, stress and emotions to manage. When experiencing the demands, pressures, challenges or issues, when the reactive amygdala part of the brain senses no danger, just a process, it relaxes opening a gateway to the prefrontal cortex for critical thinking, allowing you to stay in control, managing our hypothalamus – our emotional regulator, preventing the adrenalin and cortisol to flood in to our endocrine system, with our parasympathetic response system staying calm.  More present and in the moment, open to feeling, sensing and processing through our thoughts, feelings and emotions, energy in motion, developing emotional awareness and our ability to respond using heart-mind intelligence.

We Have 3 Brains > Our Heart Is Our Electromagnetic Processor

The 3 Brains: The Head, Heart-Mind, Gut Instinct: New studies also show that we have 3 brains that can all synergistically work together. The Head: Is the master of processes such as thinking, perception, cognition and language. The Heart: Is where we feel emotion, where we intrinsically process our deep emotions, develop our values and the way we feel about relationships. The Heart based language centre’s on “I feel” or on the expression of the deep emotions and values that lie in the heart-mind. The Gut Instinct: Our gut instinct is responsible for many things but known more so for when we get a gut feeling, tuning into a situation, picking up a negative or positive vibe we can get use our gut instinct when making an important decision.

 Movement Is Medicine – Get High On Your Own Supply: Movement is like medicine and you can learn to high on your own supply, activating our natural neuro feel good chemicals, pushing through a great workout, generating the natural high of endorphins that boost our positive energy to exercise a healthier lifestyle, eating good we get our serotonin, a positive mood stabilizer.  With positive energy for life we can work through the challenges of life, accessing dopamine, the reward chemical. When we feel more alive and passionate about life, oxytocin, ‘the love hormone’, levels go up, we feel more connected, and our relationships with friends and loved ones, learning to get in the driving seat and take control of life.

Are You On The Right Wave Length!

Brain Waves: Our brain waves are powerful in driving our mood and perspective for the day, a great part of our everyday life and control. Beta Brainwavesare dominant in our waking state, creating a heightened state of alertness for problem solving, however when experiencing high levels of stress, too much time on a beta wavelength can easily lead to anxiety and the inability to relax. Alpha Brainwaves can occur when we are calm and in-the-moment, when our thoughts are flowing, helping to learn our learning abilities, more so when we are inspired and not being negatively programmed. Theta Brainwavesare more common in infants and experienced by children when they are in their inner-sense, the world of imagination, intuition and the creative flow, free from the external world of over thinking and mind programming. Delta Brainwaves can be experienced in very deep transcendental meditation, also associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative, healing and sleep, and can be reached through sound healing frequencies. With Gamma Brainwaves, we can feel a heightened awareness, peak focus and expanded consciousness. Allowing us to be actively engaged in creative problem solving, mental processing, helping us to shift and change our perspective. The gateway from alpha to theta is recognized as the ‘zone’, also known as the flow state. We can be on different brainwaves at different times throughout the day, often connecting with people who are on the same wavelength.

We Have 3 Eye’s > 2 To Look With and 1 To See!


The 3rd Eye – 6th Sense > Insight & Vision: The 3rd Eye Is said to be the seat of the soul. Known as the pineal gland, the 3rd eye is a small gland located deep in the center of the brain. The third eye, our 6th sense is the observer, present and perceptive beyond ordinary sight. Switched on, tuned in, self reflective, a spiritual connection, exercising a deeper awareness and inner-sense, allowing us to see from within using our insight, creative imagination, intuition, heart-mind intelligence and vision.

We Are Transmitters & Receivers > The Universal Frequency – Love FM!

Like transmitters and receivers, we can transmit our energy, radiating a positive frequency and vibration, like when we meet somebody for the first time who is confident and charismatic. We can connect, feeling their passion, picking up their energy, frequency and vibration when they are on Positive FM!. Or for example, when a mum can see and feel her child is nervous or worried, they transmit their energy, giving off a negative frequency and vibration when their tuned in to Anxious FM!. When our hearts are open, we switch on and tune in to the electromagnetic universe, like tuning in to the radio station – Love FM!. We can transmit and receive,  what we put out can come back in, exercising the power of intention, when we align with the universal flow of potential, we can manifest and co-create our hearts desire.

Chapters 4 – 5 – 6: Now we have a greater self-awareness, learning about stress, our human biology and behaviour, and how to activate our human technology. Understanding our hearts are electromagnetic, we can learn to switch on and tune in to the electromagnetic universal flow of potential. 1913 – 1996: Let’s move on to Chapters 4, 5 and 6, looking at the many dynamics that make up the matrix. Chapter 4 sharing my perspective, looking at our history and those behind the scenes who have been controlling the world over the last century, creating their mental constructs of control and fear. Chapter 5, sharing the history of reactive mind programming and social conditioning, hijacking our human biology. Chapter 6, coming in to the technology information communication age, with reactive programming moving us in to a dark age, Video gaming, Hollywood movies, glorified violence, alcohol and drug abuse, gangster rap and aggressive lyrics, sexualization, negativity and dysfunction. Downloading the virus of the mind, the infectious contagious virus of negative energy, attitude and behaviour on to our human technology.

The Great Awakening: Breaking Through The Matrix Of The Mind © 2025 

Intro / ContentsAuthors Journey / Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/  8 /9 /10 /11

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