Breaking Down > Breaking Through > Connecting to the Universal Flow Of Potential / Energy, Frequency and Vibration
Dedication – To My Mum
I dedicate this book to my mum, struggling with her mental health, she suffered at the hands of the big pharma, heavily medicated and experiencing 8 electric shock treatments in the 1970’s. Unable to take care of myself and my young brother, we were taken in to a children’s home and my young sister was fostered from birth. Taken into children’s home, I would grow up in the system 1974 – 1983.
Children Are Our Future
Inner-Sense > Imagination > Vision: As adults, parents, guardians, teachers, coaches and mentors, we have the responsibility to guide our children through this technology information age, inspiring their bright minds and teaching them to live from the heart. Learning to feel, sense and be, developing their inner-sense and heart-mind intelligence, empowering their imagination, vision and purpose. Planting the positive seeds of hope and a deeper knowing, teaching them to grow, develop and thrive, co-creating a bright future.
Author – Carl Heath, Sportsman, Coach and Mentor with Over 35 Years Experience
Growing Up In The System: Going in to a children’s home from age of 6 (1974-1983), living in a big house with 10 other young people, experiencing separation feeling alone in a world of my own, growing up in the system, going to school and the local church for Sunday’s, experiencing stress, fear and trauma, struggling with the wounded child, the emotional confusion would impact my life forever. Leaving the children’s home aged 15 to go live with mum and step dad, in my last year of school I switched off leaving with no qualifications or direction and soon caught up in life on the street, drugs, crime and violence. A long distance runner and playing soccer (football) through out school, I had a constant release but by the age of 17, playing in a mens league, I struggled to control my aggression, I was banned from playing. Losing my release, I soon lost my energy and confidence, going through anxiety, depression and struggling with my mental health.
Breaking Down > Breaking Through – Connecting To The Universal Flow Of Potential. Reconnecting with my long distance running and fitness, movement became my medicine, going through a mental breakdown and emotional breakthrough, in 1985/86, I had the Jesus experience, the gateway to spirituality. Seeing through the matrix and knowing the truth I had a great awakening, connecting to the universal flow of potential that would guide me through life, in spirit and inspired through depression I would take the journey from the head back to the heart. Taking control of my life by the age of 19, whilst playing semi-professional soccer, I was caught up in dance and drug culture, experiencing my second break down and break through, then going in to a boxing gym in 1994, boxing amateur and professional, I experienced my greatest shift.
Professional Boxing > Finding My Calling > Alternative Learning: Whilst boxing, I was training at high intensity I would often get run down and sick. Listening to a audio cassette called ‘Dead Doctors Don’t Lie’, by Dr Joel Wallach, Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 1991, my eyes were open to mainstream medicine and the sick care system. Finding a naturopath around 1995 I stopped visiting the doctor, learning to use alternate medicines, therapeutics, accessing energy healing modalities and natural ways to heal. Retiring from professional boxing in 1997, I found my calling, working with challenged youth in alternative learning. Soon seeing the world of technology, the sensory overload and negative influence of aggressive violent video games, gangster rap music was taking over with many young people struggling with the over stimulation contributing to dysfunctional behavior.
Schools Like Big Pharma Playgrounds > ADD, ADHD, OCD: Interesting, experiencing dyslexia and ADD at school, I had an ‘Attention to a Deeper Direction’ and self-diagnosed with ODC, I was On, Committed and Driven!. The left brain power structure starts at school, government training facilities. Working in alternative learning, transition units within schools and youth projects, sharing my life experience and developing my concept BoxWize, I was seeing more and more how mainstream schools are like Big Pharma playgrounds. Many youths over the years, struggling to listen and switching off, tuning out of the programming, were being diagnosed with designer labels such as ADD, ADHD and OCD, it’s medication time welcome to Big Pharma. Learning about brain gym and how the education system emphasize the left brain dominance of logic and language spending more time in our heads, over the right brain activated through rhythm and movement, more connected to the heart, intuitive and creative, helping us integrate reasoning, managing our emotions, addressing deeper issues and problem solving. Switching Off: The overload of information, stress and programming, along with lack of movement and exercise, can cause the right brain to switch off, resulting in blocked pathways in the brain, poor concentration and listening skills, experiencing confusion, dysfunction and disconnection from our hearts mind intelligence.
The BoxWize Skills System – 1997 > 2024: Movement Is Medicine > Switching On Through Brain Gym: Teaching the boxing fundamentals with no contact I was incorporating brain gym movement patterns and skills using physical coordination to alternatively cross over from the left and right side of the body to switch on both left, right and whole brain function. Teaching how to control, release and channel emotional stress and physical energy positively, developing skills for life and a strong foundation for education, athletics and sports. Guiding young people to take control and release their true potential. I will share about BoxWize and Brain Gym in chapter 3.
Founder Of The EnergyWize University Of Life
EMF Protection > Energy Healing and Boosting Technologies: Like a nomad, I’ve moved over 25 times since the age of 18, I don’t watch the news, the weather forecast or read papers, since the rise in the technology age and finding my calling in 1997, accessing a computer laptop with access to the cosmic information communication super highway, I stopped watching TV. Guided by the universal flow of potential and the synchronicities of life, going on a journey of healing and self-discovery, I’ve travelled across the world, attending seminars, mind, body and spirit events, shamanic sweat lodges and vision quests, accessing products for EMF protection, many energy healing and boosting technologies and positive energy tools. Creating my work, delivering presentations, Reaction VS Response, sharing my journey that stress is a powerful energy that can be harnessed, your struggles are your strengths and adversity brings opportunity to grow. Further developing BoxWize, getting on a natural high, I stopped drinking alcohol around 2004, taking life to the next level.
Human Technology > The EnergyWize University Of Life: Studying stress, human biology and behavior, creating my concept human technology over the last 28 years, I created The EnergyWize University Of Life in 2018, developing the A-R-T Skills System, teaching people Awareness through StressWize, Release through BoxWize, accessing Tools through TapWize. Releasing the power within, upgrading skill for life, education, athletics and sports. With over 35 year’s experience as a sportsman, coach and mentor, I have successfully worked with alternate learning, transition units within mainstream schools, youth projects, corporate businesses and professional athletes from Premiership Soccer, Great Britain Rugby League and World Champion boxers.
‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and vibration’
Nicola Tesla – Physicist, Inventor, Electrical Engineer 1856 – 1943
Switching On – Tuning In > Heart-Mind Intelligence
The Laptop Analogy > Upgrading Our Bright Response Software: Imagine the screen of the laptop is like our conscious mind, and under the keyboard is our internal hard drive and operating system, were we download information, data, images and videos that can have a powerful influence and impact on our everyday life. In survival mode and through fear, many of us can get stuck in our heads, running our old reactive caveman software, freeze, flight, fight and fawn on our internal hard drive and operating system, developing negative reactive patterns of behaviour. Switching on and tuning in, we can learn to chuck out the trash, delete, delete, processing and clearing old files (like healing) on our internal hard drive. Get a virus protection from the external negative influences, boosting our operating system, our electromagnetic energy system and flow. Improving our emotional awareness, heart mind intelligence and ability to respond, developing positive patterns of behaviour, constantly upgrading our bright response software. I will share more about our human biology and activating our human technology in chapter 2 and 3.
We Are Electromagnetic > The Electromagnetic Universe
Our Electromagnetic Energy System (Chakras) and Flow (Meridians): We are becoming more aware that our human biology and human technology are one, and that our electromagnetic energy system is intricately interconnected with the electromagnetic universe and flow. Our mental, emotional and physical body is made up of energy chakras, which are like radio stations that are interconnected with our energy channels and flow called Meridians. Current research shows that our thoughts are electric and our emotions are like frequencies, and that information, thoughts and feelings transmit and channel through our electromagnet energy system and flow. Our chakras and meridians pass through all our major organs such as: heart, lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys, which can have a large impact on our health and wellbeing.
Interconnected Through The Cosmic Information Communication Super Highway
Technology Platforms > Alternative Thinkers > The Cosmic Information Communication Super Highway: Switching on and tuning in, using our phones and devices interconnecting through the cosmic information communication super highway, with so many more alternative channels, social media and the opportunity to learn to use technology systems and platforms, Apps, streaming sites, zooming and facetiming. Alternative thinkers, researchers and truth seekers, spiritual teachers, healers, sports coaches, positive role models and mentors, podcasters and content providers sharing insight, knowledge and wisdom, instant news and daily updates. Financial advice and wealth management, online business, products and services for health and wellbeing. Energy healing technologies and modalities, positive energy tools, EMF’s, low energy electromagnetic frequency protection and so much more, we have the amazing opportunity to learn, heal, grow and release our true potential.
Human Technology > The Electromagnetic Universe > Integrating With Quantum Consciousness Technology
It’s 2024 and the energy, frequency and vibration is cranking up on planet earth. Switched on and tuned through our phones and devices, humanity connected through the cosmic information super highway. Our human technology, our hearts electromagnetic are interconnected to the electromagnetic universe, now integrating with the quantum consciousness technology, reconnecting us back to the god source power within. In a technology age of truth and transparency, our energy, frequency and vibration is attuning to QCT, upgrading the bright response software, emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence on our internal hard drive and operating system.
In a Technology Age Of Truth and Transparency
The Journey From The Head Back To The Heart: Humanity is experiencing a quantum leap and paradigm shift, on the journey from the head back to the heart, we are in a great awakening, breaking through the matrix of the mind. The conscious collective connecting, hearts and minds coming together, with amazing opportunity and potential, coming in to the technology age of truth and transparency.The old coming in to the new, media advertising truth and positivity, bringing back family values, love, connection, support and community unity, with reconnection, faith and spirituality rising. Our children inspired to learn through personal growth, developing life skills, empowering them for the future. Activated through exercise, movement, martial arts, athletics, sports and powered through good nutrition, supplements and natural farmed foods. Providing a proactive health care system, integrating naturopathic medicines, nutraceuticals, remedies and healing herbs, with the release of energy healing and boosting technologies to supercharge your wellbeing and positive AI tools. Self care, health care and healing centres providing innovative technology for healing, rejuvenation and regeneration. The economy uplifted by energy and resources, financial growth through technology and systems, with energy, the frequency of love the new currency, with a RV world currency reevaluation across the world, your health your wealth in a time of prosperity. With investment in to humanitarian projects, we can heal the world and build a new earth.
Healing The World > Building a New Earth
Chapter 1: Now let’s look at the challenges of growing up in the information, communication technology age. In chapter 1, we will take a closer look at negative and positive stress and the vulnerability to reactive mind programming and social conditioning, that can negatively influence our human biology and human technology.