Designed Division: Human Biology (Head) > Human Technology (Heart)
Human Biology – Fear / Reaction > Right Brain Switching Off
The Head – A Biology Of Belief > The Heart – A Deeper Sense Of Knowing
The Mind Thinks – The Heart Knows: The world has become so polarized, like we are living in an alternative universe. Many of us stuck in our heads, stressed and in fear, exercising a biology of belief, consumed with over thinking and not listening to our hearts. The division and separation is now clearer to see. Humanity is now going through a phycological process to exam our thinking, to get a true realization of how the world has become so complicated, distracting, overwhelming and confusing by design. In this technology and information age, many of us are sucked out in to the external sensory vacuum, stuck in the matrix, in an illusion of confusion, exercising a biology of belief, whilst many of us are more in our hearts, sensing a deeper knowing and seeking truth.
In my first book ‘Activating Flow, Releasing The Power Within’, I take you through 3 stages of activating flow which are key to breaking through the matrix of your mind. In Chapter 4, I will share the Stage 3 illustration, giving you a visual of our human biology and human technology. Allowing you to connect the dots, recognizing reaction from response and how to switch on and tune in to the universal flow of potential.

Human Biology – Running Our Old Amygdala Reactive Caveman Software
Freeze > Flight > Fight > Fawn
Caveman – Survival Mode: Experiencing our headucation and vulnerable to mind programming and social conditioning, in a world of excessive processing many of us are struggling to deal with our thoughts, feelings and emotions when managing stress. Unaware we are running our old amygdala reactive caveman software; Freeze, Flight and Fight on our internal hard drive and operating system. Caveman:Whilst hunting to survive, facing the saber tooth tiger, in survival mode, experiencing fear and potential physical danger, activating the amygdala reactive part of the brain, the caveman would either Freeze,feeling overwhelmed, powerless and shutting down, consumed and eaten up by a situation. Flight, the caveman would run and get away, avoiding the stress of dealing with the situation. Fight, the caveman would use aggression but often losing control and the fight for survival. Fawn, is a common reaction in today’s world, known as people pleasing, avoiding uncomfortable conversations, hiding behind our emotions, giving our power and control to appease a person, situation or an authority.
Stuck In Our Heads: Now let’s look at our left and right brain hemispheres and how we can get stuck in our heads and the left brain, exercising our old amygdala reactive caveman software.
Left & Right Brain Hemispheres
We have both a left and hemisphere of the brain that control separate aspects of your cognitive functions and dictating certain personality traits. More dominant left brainer’s are logical, analytical, linear thinkers, good with math, often in a career such as an accountant, scientist or computer programmer. More dominant right brainer’s are spontaneous, creative and more emotional than left-brainers, intuitive, good at problem solving and more comfortable with the unknown.

Right Brain Switching Off: The education system emphasizes the left-brain dominance of logic and language, over the right brain’s more intuitive and creative faculties, those that are activated through rhythm and movement. The right brain absorbs sensory information and is more connected to the heart, helping us integrate reasoning, manage our emotions, and address deeper issues, and to problem-solve from a holistic perspective. Stress – Without a Positive Release: Without a positive release and process for our stress, our thoughts, feelings and emotions builds up emotional stress and physical energy inside the mind and body, causing many negative reactions. Blocked Pathways In The Brain: Overload of information, stress and programming, along with lack of movement and exercise, can cause the right brain to be overridden, effectively shutting it down. This results in blocked pathways in the brain, poor concentration, degraded listening skills, poor memory, becoming more left brain dominant., experiencing many more negative reactions to stress.
- Becoming emotionally withdrawn; experiencing low energy and depression
- Over sensitive, developing a victim mentality
- Experiencing confusion and the inability to communicate our feelings
- Emotionally acting out; passing on the way we feel through body language, verbally aggression, physical violence
- Seeking external pleasure through abusing; alcohol, drugs, gambling
- Diagnosed with designer labels such as; ADD, ADHD or OCD, potentially putt on long term medication
Left Brain Dominant: Becoming more left brain dominant we be more stuck in our heads, gripped through the external world of think, feel, do, more than our inner world to feel, sense, be. Often challenged when processing our thoughts, feelings and emotions, over thinking, we can be often caught in a reactive mind loop, developing patterns of behavior. Along with experiencing excessive technology and EMF’s, low energy electromagnetic frequencies, let’s look at the potential negative reactions to stress. It’s interesting, when somebody say’s ‘you’re not in the right mind’
Left Brainers: Many of us who have grown up indoctrinated, going the headucation system, the world of think, feel, do, experiencing academia, the institutions, with many of us becoming lecturers, teachers, judges, government, the judicial system and other high positions of power. With many good people becoming conditioned and programmed, trapped in financial fear, within the mental constructs and systems of control, laws, rules and bureaucracy. Now we can see how more left brained media news, with anything of interest or good news, lurks the mind programming, the matrix, politics and mind tricks and the constant bombardment of advertising can use language, emotional persuasion and fear as a tool to control the minds of the masses. Stuck in our heads disconnected from our hearts, becoming a left brainer we can struggle to integrate our intellect with our intuition, exercising a biology of belief, lacking emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence. Here are some examples of how a left brainer exercises a stuck mind, displaying many different reactive patterns of behavior such as;
- Cognitive Dissonance: When developing a belief system, we can experience cognitive dissonance – challenged to change views, perspectives or belief, stuck in the matrix
- The Grip Of The Ego: Self-absorbed and consumed by our self-identity and materialism.
- Sensitive to Uncomfortable Conversations: Challenged when processing through our thoughts and feelings – Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fawn
Whole Brain Function > Integrating the Intellect With Our Intuition Being a left brainer we can struggle to ingrate our left brain intellect with our right brain intuition, lacking whole brain function, through mind programming and social conditioning we can experience internal conflict, which can lead to many of us getting stuck in the reactivity cycle of the matrix.
The Matrix: Left Brain Reactivity Cycle > The illusion of Confusion: Along with the media, social conditioning and mind programming, it’s easy to see how our current use of technology can have us trapped predominantly in the left brain, with the sensory programing and ego constructs resulting in us living more in our heads than our hearts. Living in the false reality of the matrix, instead of living by true human values and purpose, society is currently in a low energy reactivity cycle that has spiraled out of control, with people struggling with trauma, mental health, broken relationships and homeless. Falling into patterns of addictive behaviors such as alcohol and drug abuse, technology, pornography, gambling, aggression and violence, with suicides and overdose at an all-time high. A crisis that is burdening hospitals, rehab clinics and the justice system.
Chapter 3. Now we are aware of our human biology and human technology being one, stress, fear and and negative reactions, let’s move on to chapter 3, activating our human technology and heart-mind intelligence. Learning to switch on and tune in to the electromagnetic universe.