Stress: Harnessing The Powerful Energy Within: With over 28 years of studying stress, human biology and behaviour, creating the human technology concept, I’ve been fascinated with human behavior, observing the invisible force of stress and the many negative reactions we can experience. Sharing my own life experience, work and success, my perception is that stress is a powerful energy that can be harnessed, our struggles are our strengths and adversity brings opportunity to grow. When we learn to keep moving through life, managing stress and going through the process, we can learn to develop our positive energy, focus and passion for life. Dealing with Your Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions = Process: Stress has become a greater part of everyday life and can be seen as dealing with our thoughts, feelings and emotions, when experiencing the demands, pressures, problems, issues, challenges and many dynamics of life. Growing up, a product of the many environments and life experiences, many of us struggle with stress and experience trauma, a broken home, separation and disconnection from loved ones. Lacking positive role models, mentorship and emotional support to guide us through life’s challenges and difficult times.

Growing Up > Finding Our Way: Growing up we can experience the demands and expectations of school, the stress of finding our way, fitting in, feeling a sense of belonging, developing friendships, peer pressure, physical presence, developing self-identity, the experience of bullying, managing hormones. The pressure of exams and getting results, finding purpose and a career through our education, getting a job. Financial stress, transport – accessing a vehicle, independent living, running a home with all the expenses, social life, building relationships, loss of a loved one, technology systems, phones and social media, just many of the moving parts and stressors that can take many of us on an emotional roller coaster ride. Positive Stress can be taking on a mental task or a physical challenge, dealing with our fears, thoughts, feelings and emotions, our energy in emotion, we can turn negative energy into a positive outcome, experiencing a sense of achievement gaining valuable skills for life. However, experiencing too much stress and struggling to process through our thoughts, feelings and emotions, many of us can get stuck in our heads, lacking emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence. The great challenge of finding purpose, a career and a positive future can be taken over by the wounded child that can develop a victim mentality.

The Power Of Influence > Information, Communication Technology: The world is moving faster and information, communication technology has taken over, becoming a powerful influence and very addictive. Through mainstream and alternative media channels, social media and modern day Apps, it has become a challenge to discern what’s true, many of us struggling to critically think we can get stuck in our beliefs and perspectives. Vulnerability to Mind Programming and Social Conditioning: Mind programming can be experienced through our education – indoctrination growing up, media programming and propaganda potentially influencing how we think, feel and see the world, often through emotional persuasion and coercion, just like in advertising, a powerful tool that can influence our behavior by tapping into our cognitive processes. Advertisers use attention-grabbing techniques, evoke emotions, create memorable ads, associate their brand with positive experiences, and ultimately influence our behavior.
Fear Based > Reactive Programming: Stuck on our technology devices and phones, sucked out into an external sensory vacuum, our children and youth are vulnerable to the negative influence of fear based, reactive mind programming and social conditioning, caught up and addicted to the over stimulation of video games, movies glorifying crime and violence, alcohol and drug abuse, gangster rap, aggressive music and abusive lyrics, sexualization and pornography. Dysfunctional, reactive behaviour, lacking values, manners and a moral compass in today’s world. Virus Of The Mind: Like a virus of the mind, thought infections and mind viruses are installed on to our internal hard drive and human technology. This can lead to emotional confusion, over thinking through the inability to process through the information overload, becoming stuck in a reactive mind loop and mindset, having a negative influence and powerful impact on our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Bombarded By Advertising > Junk Culture: It’s important to get our positive energy intake, learning to eat the right foods and consume the right types of drinks, getting the essential nutrients and energy to help us to deal with the demands and pressures of everyday life. There’s no doubt we are living in the most unhealthiest times, bombarded by constant advertising in a junk culture when it comes to taking care of our personal health. Studies now show that food allergies, especially amongst young people, are affecting behavior. Dairy is linked to behavioral issues and gluten to irritability, artificial food dyes have been shown to cause hyperactivity, and artificial soft drink sweeteners such as aspartame are directly linked to anxiety and depression.
Easy Access > Cheap Processed Foods: Easy access to cheap processed food has put over-eating, obesity and food allergies at an all-time high. With the many reactions and symptoms that can show up, navigating through the minefield of food and drink preparation and meal planning can be very challenging, with the constant juggle and struggle to maintain a child’s health and wellbeing in a world of unhealthy options.
NegaTology > InspireTology: Now we can see the negative influence of technology, I call NegaTology, in a time when we, our children and youth have access through technology to a powerful influence of positive role models, great teachers and leaders, inspiring athletes, coaches and mentors, its important to recognize the powerful influence of InspireTology.

Technology > EMF’s – Low Energy Electromagnetic Frequencies > Negative Reactions: Through the world of information communication, excessive use of technology through our mobile phones and devices, many of us are unaware of EMF’s, low energy electromagnetic frequencies that can have a negative impact on our nervous system. Wifi – Children spending long days in schools, many of us unaware of excessive exposure to technology and EMF’s radiation, with the zapping effects and many negative reactions such as electro-sensitivity, body voltage, fatigue, agitation, frustration and child meltdowns. Poor concentration and attention span, contributing to the designer labels such as ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder or add the H for Hyperactive.

Inner-Child > Inner-Sense > Imagination > Vision: Along with the dysfunctional, reactive mind programming and social conditioning through video gaming and other media channels, the negative impact of EMF’s are having a huge impact on our children and past generations. Growing up disconnecting from our hearts, our inner child is robbed of its inner-sense, our ability to sense from within, our imagination taken over and a lost vision to find and release our true inner potential and purpose.
Now it’s time to go through The StressWize Guide Questionnaire 1. Going through an overview of Part 1, answering questions about stress, the powerful influence of technology, mind programming and social conditioning, before moving on to Part 2. Download Pdf. The StressWize Guide Questionnaire 1: About Stress > The Influence of Technology.