Staying in your power: applying heart-mind intelligence: When you have a positive release through movement, staying active, getting quality nutrition, boosting your energy and focus, you will feel more connected, grounded, and be able to manage more easily the stresses and pressures of everyday life. Even though you’re now aware of the power of your human technology, and that your heart is an electromagnetic processor, the old caveman software can still be running reactive patterns of behaviour, old data and beliefs that no longer serve you. You may need to chuck out the trash, delete, delete, delete and have virus protection for negative external influences.

Part 5 will share my Activating Flow, Stress Power Skills Work, supporting my first book “Activating Flow, Releasing The power Within’, that shares my life experience and journey, studying stress, human biology and behaviour, and developing my concept human technology over the last 28 years. Giving you a step by step guide to upgrade the heart response software on your internal hard drive and operating system.

Integrating Daily Life: Practicing the following Stress Power Skills and doing your ABC’s will help you develop your ability to respond rather than re-act. You will be better equipped to manage negative reactions in the moment, as well as deal with unprocessed reactions from your past, as you responsibly work through your current problems and issues. Using heart-mind intelligence, you’ll be learning to stay in your power, improving your heart health and mental strength.

Coming Soon!

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