2016 – 2019: The Washington DC Power Structure – Politics and Mind Tricks

The Military Is The Only Way > Building a World Alliance – The 2016 US Election

Washington DC > WWF Politics –  It’s ShowTime! Now we can see how the mainstream media matrix, the news and big tech push politics and the agenda to keep people thinking they have the power to create change. The Washington DC Power Structure at the forefront of politics across the world. Actors in suits looking all official, talking heads with empty words, not having the luxury of telling the truth. Many good people caught up in a controlled system, is politics rigged?, Is the left and the right both wings of the same bird?. Like the WWF, it’s show time, everybody working for the same organization, with politicians head wresting through a choreographed routine, the reality it there’s more going on behind the scenes, with those in the shadows pulling the puppet strings to keep their agenda going.

The Left VS The Right – A Designed Division: Let’s look at politics relating to chapter 1, the left and the right brain dynamics, one more dominant than the other. Politics is no different, the left and right the both fighting for power, when both sides need to work together to get to the heart of the matter. With a left brain power structure in control, deeply embedded with its tentacles in to every aspect of our lives, disconnected from the heart, it portrays all the personality traits of a bully, controlling and power hungry. Politics, a designed division between two sides, the polarization of two worlds, separating the heads from the hearts.

Is There a Deep State Shadow Government? > Installing Political Leaders Into Power: So now we now know that Klaus Swab was bragging how his WEF, World Economic forum has infiltrated governments across the world with his young leaders. With control over the media matrix, big tech, silicon valley and their systems of control, investing millions through Facebook and social media to influence elections, have elections been rigged over the years? Have Dominion voting machines and other technology systems been controlled, flipping votes?  The question is, is there a shadow government, a deep state working behind the scenes, manipulating elections, the puppeteers pulling the strings. Selecting their puppets leaders in most countries all over the world, using their power, greed and control for their own agenda to create the NWO to dominate the world and humanity or lets now call it the OWO, an Old World Order that’s lost its way!.


 The Military Industrial Complex > CIA > FBI: Over many years of control, the MIC, the CIA, Crime In Action, the FBI, Fear Based Intention, keeping their media matrix and propaganda PRS, Problem > Reaction >Solution  machine moving. The question is, all interconnected, are they all behind the lies and corruption created?. Behind the import of drugs and military arms at their military bases across the world?. Behind creating terrorist organizations across the world?. Behind the economic hit men and the central banking system putting countries in debt, taking over and installing their government leaders?. It’s all playing out and truth will come through.

George Soros is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” as a result of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion, during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. George ‘Blood Sucker’ Soros: Open Borders > Funding Colour Revolutions > Antifa: Then there’s George Soros, an Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist, linked to Nazi Germany. A financier and political hitman who got wealthy infiltrating and bankrupting many countries. Spending billions on his designed division projects, with his open society and open borders, colour revolutions, funding Antifa protestors, creating race wars and destruction with all the Isms! Communism, Marxism, Socialism. Said to be behind the gender politics slowly implemented into the school systems over the years, contributing to the disconnect and the breakdown of the family unit. Supporting Hilary Clinton in the 2016 election, he donated 9.5 million to the campaign. Along with investing in dominion technology machines, funding politics and behind corrupted elections, behind the scenes, he’s been financing and wielding his power and control over global media and many big tech communication platforms. HISTORY. George Soros, the founder of the Open Society Foundations, began his philanthropic work in 1979, funding scholarships for Black African university students in South Africa and for East European dissidents to study in the West. Today, his Foundations fund groups and projects in more than 120 countries.

Let’s take a look back in history at the political landscape and the original constitution of America that was taken over in 1871.

1776 – The Original Constitution – The Declaration Of Independence

1776 – 1871 > Maritime Law – The Law Of The Sea: With pollical wars over colonies, import, export and taxation, successfully defeating the Great British power structure, the America Revolution would gain the declaration for independence and freedom through the 1776 Constitution ‘We The People Of The United States’, bringing power back to the people of America, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The act of 1871, the powers that be of globalism and control would take over the United States of America corporation, choosing Washing DC, the District of Columbia for the political landscape. Maritime Law – The Law Of The Sea: Bringing in maritime Law, the law of the seas, also known as admiralty law, a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offences occurring on open water. Maritime Law with all its rules, regulations, laws, language and judicial systems in place, is still used today by our consent to comply. With the 1776 Original Constitution Republic and Common Law, the Law of the Land would be lost at sea.

1961 > The 35th President > John F Kennedy > Q > A Military Alliance

1963 – J F K Assassination: In 1961, the 35th President John F Kennedy was working on dismantling corruption within the CIA and whilst preparing his next presidential campaign, in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas, he was assonated on November the 22nd 1963. His assignation was a devastating blow that would send shock waves through America. Anybody seeking truth around the assignation became a conspiracy theorista word created by the CIA and still with us today, a left brain block that shuts down any critical thinking or truth seeking. Was this another trauma, fear event created by the deep state, a shadow government holding its grip on control over political power. 1945: With many infiltrators from operation paperclip joining forces with the military industrial complex war machine in DC. Military generals, patriots and trustees around JFK, a military alliance known as Q, the white hats, God soldiers, would continue to grow behind the scenes.

1989 > 2008: In 1989 George H W Bush Snr would become the 41st US president, to date is the only US president who held CIA leadership. Then Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barak Obama, in turn would take over the presidential position at the White House, Washington DC. With the military industrial complex war machine at work, with wars, destruction and control, was 9 11 an inside job?. With the CIA, FBI and most 3 letter agencies would have a firm grip on control of America and intelligence, around 2008, its said Q, the military alliance and patriots would take the opportunity through access to the NSA, National Security Agency, to take over the cyber space and high level technology. Fully accessing an history of data, lies and government corruption, they had it all.

2014: America – The Infiltration of Corruption & Communism: With corrupt politics and a broken system, America was becoming more and more polarized, taken over from the inside, the infiltration of communism in to the headucation and judicial systems. With MI5, MI6, Mossad and international spying, secret operations and communication back channels. Collusion behind the scenes, media script writers, most politicians were corrupted, financially blackmailed, set up with honey traps. There was a dark reality that would start to come into the light of day, the deep state and shadow government, the military industrial complex, CIA, FBI three letter agencies had its grip on America.

2016 US Election – Donald J Trump The 45th President: Behind the scenes there was more going on than could be imagined, but in a new age of social media and Wikileaks, deep state corruption, control over government and dark conspiracies were constantly surfacing. The Clintons body count, those who’ve stepped over the line being killed by the deep state silent assassins. Clintons 3,000 missing emails and servers destroyed. Social media on fire, video’s, information and decoding was exposing many years of corruption within US politics. 2016: America was waking up and election night the stage was set, against all the odds Donald J Trump would become the 45th President of America and it was game on to drain the DC Swamp. With the  The question was, did the Q military alliance get him in to power? with the DC power structure taken over by Trump, it was game on, with the deep state playing every move to get him out.

ConspiracyVille > Alternative Media Platforms > Q Drops: With more access to alternative media platforms and channels of communication, many of us were going down the rabbit hole straight to conspiracyville!. Truth seeking, discerning through the media evidence surfacing, political corruption, lies and deception were becoming clearer to see. In 2017 Q drops were starting to appear message boards such as 4chan, the military alliance and digital soldiers showing up to share information, patriots and decoders who were catching on quick. With control over the NSA, National Security Agency, cyber space high level technology,   the information, communication channels were on fire, with data, lies and government corruption. A younger generation picking up the heat, gaining mass attention, the Anons, anonymous was soon QAnon and many more media truthers were cranking up the airwaves.

Global Media > The New Era Of Fake News > Russia, Russia, Russia! With a constant back and forth of abuse, Trump would daily call out the global media Fake News, bringing attention to the lies, corruption and cover ups by the global media. For the next 4 years, Trump and his administration would be hunted down, with deep state swamp creatures all around him, leeks, lies and constant  propaganda, with Russia, Russia, Russia! With global media full on daily attacks, character assignation and hatred generating TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome amongst many lefty’s, believing the constant hype and propaganda. Fighting to Make America Great Again, the MAGA movement would become unstoppable, gaining attention across the globe. Investing trillions to rebuild the military, a president for peace who never went to war, it was time to build the border wall and boost the US economy, in the fight to bring down human trafficking, success after success ignored by the spin doctors, it was nonstop daily attacks to get Trump and his administration out of power.

2017: The Trump World Alliance Tour > The Fall Of The Cabal: With all the intelligence and dark secrets with Washington DC and deep state in a frenzy, Trump would go on a world tour to see allies from many countries, also capitulate all those involved in corruption and evil activities. Heading to The Crown Of England to see the queen, the Vatican to see the pope, on to Davos Switzerland, home of the WEF, Klaus Swab and the World Economic Forum, with George Soros, Mr open borders full of anti-Trump rhetoric, Bill Gates and World Health leaders and many bad actors. Then moving on to the UN and EU, putting the deep state and their OWO, Old World Order plans to take over the world on notice. The world alliance tour was to bring unity peace across the world, to check in with who’s who in the zoo, those good people caught up in a bad system, financially or emotionally blackmailed, those corrupted souls with no conscience, no heart, involved in child and human trafficking, and evil acts against children. just wants control. Time to dismantle the old guard, the 3 prongs, draining the Washington DC swamp, the Crown of England and the Vatican. With the rise of cancel culture in 2020, access to alternative media platforms such as Rumble, Bitchute, along with social media apps such Instagram, Telegram and Signal, would allow you to do the research to discern and find the truth. You can checkout The fall Of The Cabal, by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter, fascinating research on our history and who’s in control.

The Left – Mess Management > Reactivity Cycle: With Bush Sr serving as president since 1989, Bush Jr, the Clintons and Obamas all serving up until the Trump administration took over 2016/17, it was constant wars, wall street, the economy and inflation, lies and corruption. Politicians lining their own pockets with tax payers money, people taxed to the max with the rich getting richer and the poorer getting poorer. With the constant media character assignation of Trump, denying any great work achieved with the economy, world trade and investing for the future of America. The left’s inability to get things done has never been clearer, a well designed mess management program and reactivity cycle that keeps them in power.

Chapter 8: Coming in to 2019, with the Washington DC endless distraction’s and insider schemes at play, covering up their own corruption and scandals. In chapter 8, let’s look at the WHO and WEF in lockstep with global media, big Pharma, big tech and government leaders across the world. planning something big in 2019, to get their plans for world domination back on track? With all the politics and mind tricks at play, coming in to the 2020 US election.

The Great Awakening: Breaking Through The Matrix Of The Mind © 2025 

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