Ages 10 to Adults Of All Ages: Personal Development > Online Available > Group Presentations – Athlete’s / Youth Projects > Mainstream Schools / Families > Sports > Business Team Building Programs

Tap > Release > Boost Your Positive Energy Flow: Without a positive release and process for stress, negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and anger can build up inside, causing disruptions and blocks in our electromagnetic energy system and flow. Experiencing many negative reactions such as feeling emotionally withdrawn, tense, tired or emotionally acting out, struggling to keep the lid on our emotions. Originated as EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, the TapWize – 2 Minute Stress Buster will take you through a stress and self awareness process. Giving you a step by step guide on how to use your finger tips to perform a tapping technique on specific stress relief and positive energy points on the body. Learning to unblock and release negative emotions and stress, boosting your positive energy system and flow.
The TapWize 2 Minute Stress Buster
- Improve relaxation for a good nights sleep & rejuvenation
- Great tool for children to self regulate and feel calm
Boost positive energy and focus for;
- Education and study
- Management and Sales
- Business Meetings and Presentations
- Fitness and Sports Performance
Personal Development: can be delivered local in Edmonton, Canada or online Mountain Standard Time, (UK is 7 hours ahead). Over the Phone or through FaceTime / Skype. Individual sessions can be delivered over 45 Mins to 1 Hour.
Delivery > Group Presentations: can be delivered local in Edmonton and surrounding areas, at your home, school, business or a facility of choice.
- Mornings / Afternoons / Evening – 1 Hour Presentation
- Business Bites / Lunch & Learn – 45 Minute / 1 Hour Sessions

The TapWize – Tap & Boost – 10 step Instruction Guide Card: Personal development and all group members will receive an easy-to-use Tap & Boost 10 Step Guide Instruction Card, inspired to complete the Tap & Boost 7 day Challenge for a total mind and body boost.
Access The StressWize Tap & Boost, combining both StressWize and TapWize.
- Mornings / Afternoons / Evening – 2 Hour Presentations / 2 Separate 1 Hour Sessions
- Business Bite / Lunch & Learn – 2 Separate Sessions > 45 Minute or 1 Hour Sessions