1913 – 2019. WHO Control’s The World – A History Of Reactive, Predictive
Programming and Social Conditioning > The Media Matrix, Politics & Mind Tricks
Now we have a greater self-awareness through Part 1, let’s go through Part 2. 1913 – 2019: It’s time to do some research, go back through a history and connect the dots and upgrade your bright response software on your internal hard drive and operating system .
The Matrix > The Mental Constructs Of Control and Fear
Divide & Conquer: Divide and conquer has been the name of the game since before the Roman Empire created the mental constructs of control and fear. Go watch the games and brutality in the coliseum, while we create the laws, using lawyers, language and control to create fear and division. In today’s world, divide and conquer is a designed division separating the heads from the hearts. With over a century of social conditioning, reactive and predictive mind programming, our human biology and human technology has been hijacked. In a digital and spiritual war on human consciousness, humanity is now going through the phycological process, waking up from an hypnotic spell. In a technology age of truth and transparency, we are becoming aware of the mental constructs of control and fear that have kept us enslaved for thousands of years. The left brain indoctrination through headucation, academia and the institutions, through there laws, rules and regulations, governments, politics, mind tricks and corruption within the judicial systems across the world. With certain blood lines in control for over a thousand years, the Mongolian Empire to the khazarian mafia and other families The question is, is the world controlled by left brainers?, a global elite network?, a deep state cabal?, a shadow government behind the scenes? a OWO, an Old World Order exercising their greed and power to take over the planet for their own agenda?. 1913 > 2019: Let’s take a history tour over the last century to see WHO’s Who in the Zoo!, social conditioning and the reactive and predictive mind programming, the media matrix, politics and mind tricks, coming in to the technology and information.
WHO’s WHO In The Zoo! WHO’s Controlling The World
1913: The Rockefeller Big Pharma, Rothchild’s Banking System: Around 1913 John Rockefeller and his foundation would start creating medicine through petroleum chemicals, investing millions into the medical institutions across America and then the world. The start of the big pharma take over, hijacking the US media and propaganda machine, outlawing alternate medicines, many doctors would be killed or jailed for speaking up. Throughout the century the Rockefeller family and the elite ruling class would invest millions into the study of science, biology and human behaviour, mind programming and social conditioning projects. At the same time in 1913, the Rothchild’s and JP Morgan Chase and other private banks and elite oil tycoons would set up the Federal Reserve Bank, taking over the monopoly global banking system. A system that would infiltrate many countries, creating wars, investing in both sides, creating debt and printing money to keep a well-oiled war machine going. So is the Big Pharma Banking System was created and still with us today?
1917: Rockefellers > Music Frequency 440 Hz: In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians formed by the Rockefeller crime cartel and elite organizations, would privatize the music industry through record labels and conglomerates, changing the 432 Hz, the frequency of nature, harmony and the universal vibration, to 440 Hz a more negative, reactive and disruptive frequency.
1918: Spanish Flu – Big Pharma Lockdowns, Masks, Social Distancing and Vaccines: Interesting with the Rockefeller Big Pharma 5 years in, the Spanish Flu Pandemic, an influenza virus that spread throughout the world 1918 to 1919. Infecting millions of people, with the same lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, economic shutdown and vaccines we just experienced in 2020. Interesting in over 100 years later what have we learnt.
Reactive and Predictive Mind Programming
1920’s: The Rockefeller Foundation > Tavistock Institute: Following World War 1, in the 1920’s the Tavistock Clinic was established. Then becoming the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations would be birthed in 1946, in the UK, London. Created and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, pioneering behavioral sciences in relation to the workplace. With physicians, neurologists and psychiatrists facilitating the treatment of neurosis and shell shock experienced by British soldiers returning home from the war, the institute would take human engineering or let’s call it mind programming to the next level. Headucation > Systems Of Control: Using mind control and social conditioning through schools and education, the military complex war machine and secret intelligence agencies would go deeper into experimentation, developing a test model they would create text book form systems of basic control which were duplicated for governments and corporate entities.
1927 > Te-Lie-Vision – Advertising > Emotional Persuasion: The invention of the electronic TV in 1927, would become the number 1 form of entertainment in most people’s homes and the perfect weapon for controlling the masses and generating fear. Glued to the screen for a daily dose of media medication, the news, propaganda, TV’s would be tuned in to an alpha brain wave state, with the power of suggestion coming through the airwaves, advertising, branding and consumerism would now take over the globe, shaping our reality and world view.
1929: Newspapers & Radio Programming > The Great Depression: Newspapers and newsletters date as far back as 1700’s. With those ruling the roost controlling the channels of communication. Coming into the 1900’s, people would be reliant on the daily newspapers and radio programming, having a powerful influence over shaping ones thinking the masses. With the control of the financial system and the New York stock market, the ruling elites would use their control, and social conditioning through the newspaper and leaflets delivered through an advertising campaign, along with radio programming, it was depression, depression, recession, creating the great depression in 1929. Using fear and mass psychology to get there desired outcome, with so many more fear events and controlled demolitions of the human mind.
1930’s – The Learnt Helplessness Program > Dependency On The State: Human experiments and mind control would go next level, seeking to control the thoughts and behaviors of the masses, creating a learnt helplessness program, subjects would become passive, depressed and pharmaceutically drugged, influencing dependency on the state. Just like the welfare system today, distract people by paying them to do nothing, then they will come to do nothing and get paid.
1945: World War 2 > Operation Paperclip: Following world war 2, Operation Paperclip was a secret intelligence project would bring many of the Nazi war criminals, and over 1,600 German and British scientists, phycologists and physicians over to America to improve military weapons and intelligence, along with infiltrating US politics and Hollywood.
1948: The WHO, World Health Organization: Interesting how these global elites, self-appointed and self-serving, with The Rockefeller Big pharma now creating the WHO, The World Health Organization, founded in 1948, a UN, United Nations agency dedicated to global health, connecting nations, partners and communities, with a powerful grip on global media control and propaganda.
1949: CIA – Operation Mockingbird > Propaganda: In 1945, 50 journalists, 400 members and 25 large organizations were secretly on the CIA payroll with Operation Mockingbird, a secret project using the US and global media, using propaganda, manipulating the media and public perception through fake stories, even funding Hollywood movies. Conspiracy Theorist: The CIA also intentionally created the concept ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ with its negative connotations the perfect tool for political propaganda, a distraction from seeking the truth promoting mass cognitive dissonance.
1950 – 1970’s – CIA > MK Ultra > Mind Control: Many of the scientists from the operation paperclip would move on to the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, developing MK Ultra, a top secret research mind control project. Creating many methodologies to manipulate individuals mental states, including psychoactive chemical drugs, radiation, electric shock treatment and many forms of abuse and torture. Depatterning, experimenting with the human psyche, like clearing the internal hard drive, downloading new files, with many subjects losing memory and never recovering.
‘State of Mind, The Phycology Of Control’ is a fascinating documentary showing the history of mind programming through control and fear.
1970’s: The Crown > Vatican > Washington DC: Integrated over time with the 3 prongs of control would be united and positioned for world domination, along with other hidden factions. 1. The Crown, the royal family and the City of London central banking system, in relation to the Rothchild’s, global elites and the federal reserve, in control of the world and financial debt system. 2. The Vatican, with religion and the under belly of a dark satanic culture. 3. Washington DC, the world political stage and The Military Industrial Complex War Machine. With agencies such as the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, started in 1908, and CIA which grew out of World War 2, Office of Strategies Service, spoken about by President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell speech. and many other 3 letter intelligence agencies and organizations branches of Washington DC.
1980’s – 1990’s: Mind Control – Military Phycological Operations – Hypnosis: Mind control and military phycological operations would continue with, experimenting in prison’s such as Guantanamo Bay, using electrical stimulus, sleep deprivation, applying hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, expanding human consciousness, using pharmaceutical drugs and hypnotism for mind control in the quest to create the fearless super soldier for war. Hypnosis, would become popular into the 1990’s helping to reduce stress, anxiety and release past trauma, along with the advancement of brain wave technology. Hypnosis, known to guide somebody into a delta brain wave state and trance, that can open a person up to suggestions. Just like advertising on TV that can put us in an alpha brain wave state, with billions spent by companies, using the power of persuasion to buy, buy, buy.
1988: Music > The 440 Frequency – Psychological Agitation : Hey we go again with the Rockefellers and the 440 frequency! known to create greater aggression, psychological agitation, emotional distress and potential physical illness. In the late 80’s, the Rockefellers brought top music executives and rap artists together with the idea of controlling the rap industry through violent music supported by oppression and civil unrest, aimed at the youth, using 440 Hz, known as the devils pitch. By 1990, there were over 1,500 private prisons, with the Rockefellers, Rothchild’s, Bushes and investors raking in billions, using prisons for their money laundering tax exemption schemes.
A Technology Information Age
Virus Of The Mind, Thought Infections and Mind Viruses
1996 – “Virus Of The Mind” Audio > Influencing Human Biology And Behavior: Like I said around 2008, I came across the “Virus of The Mind”, a 1996 audio by Richard Brodie, an author and America computer programmer who worked at Microsoft. The audio looks at the science of the meme. The billion dollar marketing machine, and how the power of technology, thought infections and mind viruses can be used for mind programming. Using phycology, behavioral experts, language, visual imagery and emotional persuasion to influence our human biology and behavior. How we think, feel, see the world and develop our beliefs. This really opened my mind to the power of mind programming and social conditioning.
The Infectious, Contagious Virus of Negative Energy, Attitude and Behavior.
1997: Video Games > Glorified Aggression & Violence, Alcohol & Drugs > Gangster Rap: Through my work and sharing my life experience, I was delivering stress, anger management and anti-bullying presentations in schools and to youth groups around 1997. Bringing awareness of the infectious, contagious virus of negative energy, attitude and behavior. Our children growing up with the negative influence of frenetic and aggressive cartoons, violent video games such as grand theft auto produced in 1996. Gangster rap music with negative and aggressive lyrics, subliminal messaging and sexualization. Hollywood movies, glorified violence, alcohol and drugs, fear and trauma based, with satanic blood culture and mind programming negatively impacting generation after generation, robbing the inner-sense of a child and the ability to sense truth. Stealing their creative imagination and controlling their vision for the future. With mind programming and social conditioning would take humanity into a dark period.
3G > 5G – Weaponry > EMF Sensitivity – Low Energy Electromagnetic Frequencies – Viruses: Along with mind programming, the boiling frog effect of EMF’s, the low energy electromagnetic frequencies experienced through 3G, 4G to 5G, from cell towers, using our phones and devices without protection can cause excess stress, with many of us experiencing electro sensitivity. EMF’s disrupt our natural electromagnetic energy and flow, running down our nervous/immune system and our internal operating system, leaving us vulnerable to viruses. With the slow gradual increase in body voltage, agitation, poor concentration and processing skills, and many other negative reactions. 5G Weaponry: 5G, to many seen as electromagnetic weaponry has been known to be used by police and military enforcement for controlling, agitating and disrupting crowds and peaceful protests.
Schools – Big Pharma Playgrounds: ADD / ADHD / OCD: Interesting, working in the school system and alternative learning, I got to see the impact that stress, technology and an unhealthy lifestyle was having on children. Over consumption of processed chemical foods, endocrine disrupters, effecting hormones and hijacking our biology, with constant junk food, sugar, dodgy tap water and fizzy pop contributing to the negative energy, attitude and behavior. The over stimulation of technology, schools Wifi and EMF’s, video games and negative influence combined with sitting down for most of the day and too busy for their bodies. Working with so many youth who were switched off, schools like big pharma playgrounds, with designer labels ADD, ADHD and OCD, emotional confusion and persuasion, it’s ready to take you on an emotional roller coaster. It’s medication time, and time to get you in the system, with pill popping and pay to play parents subsidized, with long-term customers stuck on the highway.
2000: Disconnecting From Our Hearts – Stuck In the Matrix: Moving in to the millennium and rise of information, communication technology, the media matrix, like an external sensory vacuum, would suck humanity in to an age of consumerism, with mind programming and social conditioning going next level. Constantly on our phones and devices or glued to the TV, absorbed by the external sensory vacuum and the influence of big tech, global media, bombarded by excessive advertising. Easier access to movies, music, entertainment and the worship of celebrities like false gods. The world wide web of control and their the ability to amplifying our stress levels, controlling our brain waves and natural neurochemicals was being fine-tuned, with more of us disconnecting from our heart and stuck in the matrix.
2003: Mass Control – Engineering Human Consciousness
Book – Audio by Author, Jim Keith: Back Of Book ‘Here stands the New Man. His conception of reality is a dance of electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters, designed so that he will not–under any circumstances–perceive the actual. This New Man’s happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media manipulator. Jeff Keith is one of the foremost writers and researchers on political conspiracy in the world today’. From the first stirrings of the phycological and technological control of humanity at the turn of this century to an education system intended to dumb students down rather than teach them. From the creation of the CIA and secret societies of the elite, to mass drugging of the population…….
The Cosmic Information Communication Super Highway
2005 – YouTube: Alternative Thinking > Truth Seeking > ConspiracyVille!: In this new age of technology, with access to the cosmic information super highway, we had so many other channels of communication; radio stations, streaming sites and interviews, spiritual leaders and conscious teachers with the launch of YouTube since 2005. Alternative thinkers and truth seekers going down so many rabbit holes into ConspiracyVille! Seeking the truth to from lies, connecting the dots and putting the pieces of the puzzle together to develop a clearer perspective of what was happening in the world. The likes of David Icke, a trail blazer who was ridiculed on the Wogan TV show in 1991, during his own awakening, so many amazing interviews and author of many books, such as, Children Of The Matrix, The Trap and more. Alex Jones and Info Wars, Kerry Kassidy and Project Camelot, James Gilliland and his ECITI Ranch, with UFOs and off planet activities, and many more conspiracies surfacing. Whistle blowers showing up, exposing the dark secrets and the global elites agenda, sharing what was really happening behind the scenes, the corruption and lies inside the Washington DC political machine.
The Hollywood & Music Mafia > The Illuminati > Satanic Rituals > The Free Masons
With a truth media movement, it was becoming easier to see who was who in the zoo. The global elites control, family bloodlines, hidden factions and the 3 prongs of control, the Crown, Vatican and Washington DC, the military industrial complex, the CIA, FBI and the other 3 letter agencies. The Hollywood and music mafia controlling celebrities and stars, bought and paid for, satanic cults and blood culture, using illuminati symbology, secret hand signs through the media and movies, with subliminal messaging and satanic rituals at live concerts. The freemasons and their the masonic order and secret handshakes. The dark secrets of the devil at work in plain sight now out in the open.
2008: 528 Hz – Sound Healing Frequencies > Music > Energy Healing Technologies: Along with boxing, developing my concept BoxWize since 1997, the drug and dance culture through soulful house music, was becoming big across the UK, with musicians and DJ’s attuning and integrating sound healing through the love solfeggio frequencies of 528 Hz into their instruments and songs. With access to the cosmic information super highway, energy, frequency and vibration was becoming more popular, with a spiritual and self-help revolution, healing and self-discovery becoming more accessible the ever before. Seminars, retreats, shamanic sweat lodges, vision quests, with access to many energy healing technologies, modalities, and positive frequency energy tools. Nikola Tesla, zero point, scalar wave frequencies, positive orgone for cell busting, becoming aware of the power of the Schuman Resonance, the earths frequency when we learn to ground.
Hollywood Predictive Programming; Ramping Up The Fear – Contagion > Viruses & Bioweapons:Interesting, with the predictive programing over the years, with access to Netflix with movies just getting more weird, dysfunctional, sick and twisted. Like Pandemic and Contagion, showing humanity taken over by viruses and bioweapons, preparing us for the zombie apocalypse and the end of times. Many of us unaware of downloading the fear and trauma through our human technology on to our internal hard drive, caught in the world wide web of the matrix trap.
2012: The Great Awakening – The Zombie Apocalypse
So its November 2011, and It’s the 11th day of the 11th month, at 11 minutes past 11am in the morning and there I am in a deep meditation with good friends at a mind, body and spirit event in Victoria, London, UK. People from all over the world, spiritual teachers, healers, workshops, new healing modalities and technologies, heart-minded souls everywhere. The conscious collective connecting, charging things up, cranking up the vibe on planet earth. There was so much love and light, you could feel the cosmic heart beat in the airwaves. The January 2012 great awakening was coming or if you were watching Hollywood, the zombie apocalypse was here and it’s the beginning of the end. Negatology had its grip on humanity for sure, with many consumed by the reactive and predictive mind programming. Polarization Of Fear > Love: The polarization of two worlds, of fear and love was telling, but the great awakening was here, there was a shift in human consciousness. We were in a long game of patience, with the conscious collective connecting over many years, moving in the deep, in the alternate world that was slowly waking up to the truth.
Global Elites – Self-Appointed > Self Serving Organizations > All Interconnected
2014: WHO > Rockefeller Big Pharma – WEF > Rothchild’s Banking System: It was becoming clearer to see WHO was WHO!, with the WHO, World Health Organization founded in 1948 and the WEF, the World Economic Forum established in 1971, the Rockefeller Big Pharma Rothchild’s Banking System, the sick care debt slave system is still with us today. Dr ‘Flip Flopping’ Fauci of the NIH, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The Big Pharma, the CDC, Centre for Disease Control, the FDA, Federal Drug Agency, the paid for science and manufactured facts. All interconnected, the self-appointed and self-serving leaders, and their organizations and foundations, keeping it in the family, tax exempt who hide behind big charities recycling their wealth.
Davos Switzerland > WEF – The World Economic Forum: Then there’s Davos Switzerland, where the WEF, World Economic Forum, Klaus ‘Rob Your Job’ Swab and the crazies meet up to keep their grip on the world’s economy and financial system, along with Klaus Swab who bragged how his WEF has infiltrated governments across the world. With WHO representatives, world bankers, global media, corporations and government big wigs who fly into Davos Switzerland on their private jets. With Geneva, a global city, financial centre and worldwide centre for diplomacy due to the presence of numerous international organizations such as big pharma. Along with NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the EU, European Union and the UN, United Nation, private corrupt military force pausing as peacekeepers, and so many more secret organizations.
Blackrock & Vanguard > Monopolizing The World: Then there is the global elite industry investors such as Blackrock and Vanguard, and large corporations monopolizing the world. They control every aspect of our lives, the food we eat, the air we breathe, all consumerism, entertainment, hotels, vacations and how we travel to our destinations. Using their big tech, technology companies and platforms, global media matrix, big tech and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter who run our operating systems, controlling most information channels of communication through our phones and devices, with mass advertising and mind programming.
Bilderberg Billionaires Club: Then there’s the Bilderberg Group, were elites, rich tycoons from the billionaires club and celebrities on the A list meet once a year in secret to discuss the master plan to control the future of humanity. With their Agenda 21 (2021) and the Rockefeller Lock Step Agenda 2030 positioned and in place to take control over the world.
George ‘Blood Sucker’ Soros: Open Borders > Funding Colour Revolutions > Antifa: George Soros, an Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist, linked to Nazi Germany, a financier and political hitman, got wealthy infiltrating and bankrupting many countries, spending billions on his designed division projects. With his open society and open borders, colour revolutions, funding Antifa protestors, creating race wars and destruction with all the Isms! communism, Marxism, socialisms. Behind the gender politics slowly implemented into the school systems over the years, contributing to the disconnect and the breakdown of the family unit. Along with investing in dominion technology machines, funding politics, behind corrupted elections, behind the scenes, financing and wielding his power and control over global media and many big tech communication platforms.
The Global Media Matrix > Reaction Distraction > Left Brain Control
Now think of all the above interconnected with the global mainstream media matrix. All reading from the same script, talking heads speaking from teleprompters, with all their talking points set up, told what to say with trigger language and word fear to keep the people locked in to the left brain mind programming. Who Owns The Global Media Matrix?. The large global media matrix conglomerates include Bertelsmann, National Amusements (Paramount Global), Sony Group Corporation, News Corp, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. Discovery, Fox Corporation, Hearst Communications, Amazon (Amazon MGM Studios), Grupo Globo (South America), and Lagardère Group.
Problem > Reaction > Solution: With global media the main source of entertainment in most homes since the 1950’s, the Te-lie-Vision has been the perfect propaganda mind programming brain washing machine throughout history and now big tech. giving us the daily news, wars, conflict and negativity whipping us in to constant state of fear. With Lasor focus on any world event or disaster, many events can be created for propaganda to keep the masses on high alert, anxious in the unknown and vulnerable to mainstream control when it comes to the narrative, creating emotional confusion and persuasion through their Problem, Reaction, Solution system of control. Problem: They create the problems using media, crises actors and propaganda, creating sensationism through example; an incident involving a death, something divisive, racist or other reaction distractions. Reaction: They trigger fear, frustration and anger, potential protests and riots with paid protestors for more propaganda, using media, word fear, behavior and language experts to evoking emotional persuasion and the need for government protection. Solution: They get the desired reaction and then they come up with the solution, behind the scenes taking away our freedoms and controlling our lives. Like a perpetual cycle using media propaganda mind programming, allowing the government to govern and control our mental state.
Big Tech: CIA > Facebook > The Eye For The FBI Silicon Valley: Then of course, you can’t control the masses unless you have full on surveillance of the world through Facebook, a huge resource for the CIA and the FBI, to spy on humanity, controlling the world of information communication technology. Where cancel culture blocks free speech and alternative thinking is a crime. With Silicon Valley and the big tech gathering data in an age of artificial intelligence and algorithms. Billions spent on advertising through media channels and nonstop movies, mind control and predictive programming playing out across the globe, America a world leader in culture was the perfect playground to keep the illusion of the American dream alive.
Google: Artificial Intelligence > Artificial Thinking: With the rise in AI, Artificial Intelligence over the years, computer systems that can perform tasks commonly associated with human cognitive functions — such as interpreting speech, playing games and identifying patterns. With global elite control, AI is being set to control every aspect of our lives, using science and technology. Many of us stuck in the world of TV and mainstream channels of communication, with Google and the many big tech platforms, you can now see their left brain control over information and their agenda, with Artificial Intelligence using language, with many of us caught up in the phycological web of Artificial Thinking. With our human technology more powerful beyond imagination, its only intelligent if its heart-mind intelligence.
Sorry if I have missed anybody, now we can see who they are, all interconnected on different levels of power, let’s look how they use their global media matrix propaganda machine to influence politics through mind tricks.
2016 – 2019: Politics and Mind Tricks > The Washington DC Power Structure:
Is There a Deep State Shadow Government? > Installing Political Leaders Into Power: So now we can see who’s who in the zoo, all these self-appointed, self-serving loonitunes, all interconnected and in control of the media matrix, politics and mind tricks, with everything revolving around the power structure of Washington DC. We now know Klaus “Rob Your Job’ Swab was bragging how his WEF, World Economic forum has infiltrated governments across the world. The question is, is there a deep state shadow government working behind the scenes?, a deep state cabal, part of a OWO, an Old World Order, trying to bring something new in, that we can has been in plain sight for many years? Are they using their global media matrix, big tech, silicon valley and there system of control, investing millions through Facebook and social media to influence elections? Manipulating elections, the puppeteers pulling the strings, selecting there puppets leaders in most countries all over the world, using their power, greed and control for their own agenda to dominate the world and humanity.
The Left VS The Right – Designed Division & Conflict: Let’s look at politics relating to chapter 1, the left and the right brain dynamics, one brain can become more dominant than the other, fighting for power, a designed division between two sides. The polarization of two worlds, politics is a designed conflict, the separation of the heads and the hearts of the masses, a reaction distraction, just like in the Roman days, the divide and conquer system that is still with us today. WWF Politics – It’s ShowTime! Now we can see how the mainstream media matrix, the news and big tech push politics and the agenda to keep people thinking they have the power to create change, like both wings of the same bird, the reality it there’s more going on behind the scenes. Actors in suits looking all official, talking heads with empty words, with the promise of change, many good people caught up in a controlled system, with most politicians not having the luxury of telling the truth. People told what to say in line with mockingbird media, repeat repeat. When told a lie for long enough and it can become your truth. Like I say, WWF politics, everybody working for the same organization, with politicians head wresting through the process, which has already been choreographed with a winner in place, with those in the shadows pulling the puppet strings to keep the agenda going. Mainstream VS Alternative – The Head and Heart: Like mainstream verses alternative media perspective, where does the truth lye? when the left and right brain need to work together, using whole brain function for critical thinking and heart-minded intelligence to go through the process to find truth. The truth is, is the world controlled by left brainers?
Let’s take a look back in history at the political landscape and the original constitution of America that was taken over in 1871.
1776 – The Original Constitution – The Declaration Of Independence: With pollical wars over colonies, import, export and taxation, successfully defeating the Great British power structure, the America Revolution would gain the declaration for independence and freedom through the 1776 Constitution ‘We The People Of The United States’. Bringing power back to the people of America, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then through political shenanigans, in 1871, the powers that be of globalism and control would take over the United States of America and the political landscape. Bringing in maritime Law, the law of the seas, the law of consent to corporations who would themselves would further develop the mental constructs of control and fear.Maritime Law – The Law Of The Sea: Used by the global elites maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules, governing the use of the oceans and seas, are known as the Law of the Sea, still used today by our consent to comply. With Maritime Law, all its rules, regulations, laws, language and judicial systems in place, the 1776 Original Constitution and Common Law, the Law of the Land would be lost at sea.
1961 > The 35th President > John F Kennedy > Q > A Military Alliance
America The Last Bastion Of Freedom: In 1961,the 35th President John F Kennedy was working on dismantling corruption within the CIA and whilst preparing his next presidential campaign, in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas, he was assonated on November the 22nd 1963. His assignation was a devastating blow that would send shock waves through America. Anybody seeking truth around the assignation became a conspiracy theorist, a word created by the CIA, still with us today, a left brain block that shuts down any critical thinking or truth seeking. Was this was another trauma, fear event created by a deep state cabal, a shadow government holding its grip on control over political power. 1945: With many infiltrators from operation paperclip joining forces with the military industrial complex war machine in DC, military generals, patriots and trustees around JFK, a military alliance, known as Q, white caps, God soldiers would continue to grow behind the scenes.
1989 > 2008: In 1989 George H W Bush Snr would become the 41st US president, to date is the only US president who held CIA leadership. Then Bill Clinton, George W Bush and the Obamas, in turn would take over the precedential position at the White House, Washington DC, with the military industrial complex war machine at work, with wars and destruction, economic hitmen, the robbing or natural resources from countries across the world. 9 11 – 2001: The question is, was 9 11 an inside job?. With the CIA, FBI and most 3 letter agencies would have a firm grip on control of America and intelligence, around 2008, It’s said Q, the military alliance and patriots would take the opportunity through access to the NSA, National Security Agency, to take over the cyber space and high level technology, fully accessing an history of data, lies and government corruption, they had it all.
2014: The Infiltration of Communism: With corrupt politics and a broken system, America was becoming more and more polarized between the left and the right, America had been taken over from the inside, in the infiltration of communism in to the headucation and judicial systems. With MI5, MI6, Mossad and international spying, secret operations and communication back channels, collusion, behind the scenes, media script writers, most politicians corrupted, financially blackmailed, set up with honey traps, there was a dark reality that would start to come into the light of day. The deep state and shadow government, the military industrial complex, CIA, FBI three letter agencies had its grip on America.
2016 US Politics: Behind the scenes there was more going on than could be imagined, but in a new age of social media and Wikileaks, deep state corruption and control over government and dark conspiracies were constantly surfacing. The Clintons body count, those who’ve stepped over the line being killed by the deep state silent assassins. Clintons 3,000 missing emails and servers destroyed. The video’s, information and decoding was exposing many years of corruption within US politics. 2016: With social media drop after drop the pressure was mounting and behind the scenes and the stage was set for the 2016 US Election and against all the odds Donald J Trump would become the 45th President of America and it was game on to drain the DC Swamp. With the DC power structure taken over by Trump, the question was, how did Trump get in to power? did a military alliance get him in to power?
ConspiracyVille > Alternative Media Platforms > Q Drops: With more access to alternative media platforms and channels of communication, many of us were going down the rabbit hole straight to conspiracyville!. Truth seeking, discerning through the media evidence surfacing, political corruption, lies and deception were becoming clearer to see. In 2017 Q drops were starting to appear message boards such as 4chan, the military alliance and digital soldiers showing up to share information, patriots and decoders who were catching on quick. With control over the NSA, National Security Agency, cyber space high level technology, data, lies and government corruption, the information, communication channels were on fire, with a younger generation picking up the heat, gaining mass attention, the Anons, anonymous was soon QAnon and many more media truthers cranking up the airwaves.
2017: Dr ‘Mystic’ Fauci, There Will Be A Surprise Outbreak Coming Soon: I remember in January 2017, 10 days before the Trump inauguration, Bill Gates right hand man Dr ‘Mystic’ Fauci of the NIH, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a speech regarding world health matters, expresses ‘there will be a challenge with the incoming administration in the arena of infectious diseases and there will be a surprise outbreak” was Dr “Mystic’ Fauci, saying there will be a Plandemic coming soon?.
Global Media > The New Era Of Fake News > Russia, Russia, Russia! With a constant back and forth of abuse, Trump would daily call out the global media Fake News, bringing attention to the lies, corruption and cover ups by the global media. For the next 4 years, Trump and his administration would be hunted down, with deep state swamp creatures all around him, leeks, lies and constant propaganda, with Russia, Russia, Russia! With global media full on daily attacks, character assignation hatred generating TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome amongst many lefty’s, believing the constant hype and propaganda. Fighting to Make America Great Again, the MAGA movement would become unstoppable, gaining attention across the globe. A president for peace who never went to war, it was time to build the border wall, boost the US economy, invest trillions to rebuild the military, bring down human trafficking, with success after success ignored by the spin doctors, it was nonstop daily attacks to get Trump and his administration out of power.
Trump – 2017 > The World Alliance Tour > The Fall Of The Cabal: With all the intelligence and dark secrets with Washington DC and deep state in a frenzy, Trump would go on a world tour to see allies from many countries, also capitulate all those involved in corruption and evil activities. Heading to The Crown Of England to see the queen, the Vatican to see the pope, on to Davos Switzerland, home of the WEF, Klaus Swab and the World Economic Forum, with George Soros, Mr open borders full of anti-Trump rhetoric, Bill Gates and World Health leaders and many bad actors. Then moving on to the UN and EU, putting the deep state and their OWO, Old World Order plans to take over the world on notice. The world alliance tour was to bring unity peace across the world, to check in with who’s who in the zoo, those good people caught up in a bad system, financially or emotionally blackmailed, those corrupted souls with no conscience, no heart, involved in child and human trafficking, and evil acts against children. just wants control. Time to dismantle the old guard, the 3 prongs, draining the Washington DC swamp, the Crown of England and the Vatican. With the rise of cancel culture in 2020, access to alternative media platforms such as Rumble, Bitchute, along with social media apps such Instagram, Telegram and Signal, would allow you to do the research to discern and find the truth. You can checkout The fall Of The Cabal, by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter, fascinating research on our history and who’s in control.
Russia, Russia, Russia! With the Washington DC swamp and endless insider schemes at play, covering up their own corruption and scandals. Was the deep state, WHO and WEF in lockstep with global media, big Pharma, big tech and government leaders across the world, planning something big in 2019? With all the politics and mind tricks at play, coming in to the 2020 US election.
Part 3
Part 3: will give perspective on pandemic, was it a plandemic?. 2019: The Event 201 fear event, pandemic simulation and the biology of behavior. The 2020 election year and how corona chaos hit the airwaves like a sensory hijack. Welcome to ConspiracyVille! The truth media movement, alternative thinkers and truth seekers. Big Pharma drama and the global uprising, with WHO, WEF Great Exposure