1913 – 1996: A History Of Mind Programming and Social Conditioning
Rockefellers – Controlling Frequencies > Headuction > Systems Of Control
1913: The Rockefeller Big Pharma, Rothchild’s Banking System: Around 1913, John Rockefeller and his foundation would start the Big Pharma take over, creating medicine through petroleum chemicals, investing millions into the medical institutions across America and then the world. Hijacking the US media and propaganda machine, outlawing alternate medicines, many doctors would be killed or jailed for speaking up. Throughout the century the Rockefeller family and the elite ruling class would invest millions into the study of science, biology, human behaviour, mind programming and social conditioning projects. At the same time in 1913, the Rothchild’s and JP Morgan Chase and other private banks and elite oil tycoons would set up the Federal Reserve Bank, taking over the monopoly global banking system. A system that would infiltrate many countries, creating wars by investing in both sides, creating debt and printing money to keep a well-oiled war machine going. The Rockefeller Big Pharma and Rothchild’s Banking Debt Slave System was created and is still with us today.
Rockerfellers – Controlling Frequencies
1917: Rockefellers > Music Frequency 440 Hz: In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians formed by the Rockefeller Foundation and elite organizations, would privatize the music industry through record labels and conglomerates. Changing the 432 Hz, the frequency of nature, harmony and the universal vibration, to 440 Hz a more negative, reactive and disruptive frequency.
1918: Spanish Flu – Big Pharma Lockdowns, Masks, Social Distancing and Vaccines: Interesting with the Rockefeller Big Pharma 5 years in, the Spanish Flu Pandemic, an influenza virus would spread throughout the world 1918 to 1919. Infecting millions of people, with the same lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, economic shutdown and vaccines we just experienced in 2020. Interesting in over 100 years later what have we learnt?
Headucation > Systems Of Control
1920’s: The Rockefeller Foundation > Tavistock Institute: Following World War 1, in the 1920’s the Tavistock Clinic was established. Then becoming the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations would be birthed in 1946, in the UK, London. Created and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, pioneering behavioral sciences in relation to the workplace. The government of England was known to put massive funding towards the study of human biology, behaviour and medicine. With physicians, neurologists and psychiatrists facilitating the treatment of neurosis and shell shock experienced by British soldiers returning home from the war, the institute would take human engineering or let’s call it mind programming to the next level. Using mind control and social conditioning through schools and education, to produce a population of non-thinkers. The military complex war machine and secret intelligence agencies would go deeper into experimentation, developing a test model they would create text book form systems of basic control which were duplicated for governments and corporate entities.
1927 > Te-Lie-Vision – Advertising > Emotional Persuasion: The invention of the electronic TV in 1927, would become the number 1 form of entertainment in most people’s homes and the perfect weapon for controlling the masses and generating fear. Glued to the screen for a daily dose of media medication, the news and propaganda, TV’s would be tuned in to an alpha brain wave state, with the power of suggestion coming through the airwaves. Advertising, branding and consumerism would now take over the globe, shaping our reality and world view.
1929: Newspapers & Radio Programming > The Great Depression: Newspapers and newsletters date as far back as the 1700’s. With those ruling the roost controlling the channels of communication, coming into the 1900’s, people would be reliant on the daily newspapers and radio programming, having a powerful influence over shaping the thinking of the masses. With the control of the financial system and the New York stock market, the ruling elites would use their control, and social conditioning through the newspaper and leaflets delivered through an advertising campaign, along with radio programming, it was depression, depression, recession, creating the great depression in 1929. Using fear and mass psychology to get there desired outcome, with so many more fear events and controlled demolitions of the human mind.
1930’s – The Learnt Helplessness Program > Dependency On The State: Human experiments and mind control would go next level, seeking to control the thoughts and behaviors of the masses, creating a learnt helplessness program, after repeated exposure to uncontrollable events, the belief of being powerless to change their situation, even when opportunities to do so arise. Subjects would become passive, depressed and pharmaceutically drugged, influencing dependency on the state. Just like the welfare system today, distract people by paying them to do nothing, then they will come to do nothing and get paid. Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932, shares the dangers of letting government regulate happiness. Describing a technocratic future by which people a pharmaceutically drugged into loving their servitude, using techniques of propaganda, bypassing the rational mind, controlling the subconscious and deeper emotions, people would come to love and obey those in control. Learned helplessness experiments would come to use dogs as subjects to study behaviour.
1945: World War 2 > Operation Paperclip: Following world war 2, Operation Paperclip was a secret intelligence project would bring many of the Nazi war criminals, and over 1,600 German and British scientists, phycologists and physicians over to America to improve military weapons and intelligence, along with infiltrating US politics and Hollywood.
1948: The WHO, World Health Organization: Interesting how these global elites, self-appointed and self-serving, with The Rockefeller Big pharma now creating the WHO, The World Health Organization, founded in 1948, a UN, United Nations agency dedicated to global health, connecting nations, partners and communities, with a powerful grip on global media control and propaganda.
1949: CIA – Operation Mockingbird > Propaganda: In 1945, 50 journalists, 400 members and 25 large organizations were secretly on the CIA payroll with Operation Mockingbird, a secret project using the US and global media, using propaganda, manipulating the media and public perception through fake stories, even funding Hollywood movies. Conspiracy Theorist: The CIA also intentionally created the concept ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ with its negative connotations the perfect tool for political propaganda, a distraction from seeking the truth promoting mass cognitive dissonance.
1950 – 1970’s – CIA > MK Ultra > Mind Control: Many of the scientists from the operation paperclip would move on to the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, developing MK Ultra, a top secret research mind control project. Creating many methodologies to manipulate individuals mental states, including psychoactive chemical drugs, radiation, electric shock treatment and many forms of abuse and torture. Depatterning, experimenting with the human psyche, like clearing the internal hard drive, downloading new files, with many subjects losing memory and never recovering.
‘State of Mind, The Phycology Of Control’ is a fascinating documentary showing the history of mind programming through control and fear.
1970’s: The 3 Prongs – Crown > Vatican > Washington DC: Integrated over time with the 3 prongs of control would be united and positioned for world domination, along with other hidden factions. 1. The Crown, the royal family and the City of London central banking system, in relation to the Rothchild’s, global elites and the federal reserve, in control of the world and financial debt system. 2. The Vatican, with religion and the under belly of a dark satanic culture. 3. Washington DC, the world political stage and The Military Industrial Complex War Machine. With agencies such as the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, started in 1908, and CIA which grew out of World War 2, Office of Strategies Service, spoken about by President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell speech. Along with many other 3 letter intelligence agencies and organizations branches of Washington DC.
1988: Music > Rockefellers 440 Frequency – Psychological Agitation : Hey we go again with the Rockefellers and the 440 frequency! known to create greater aggression, psychological agitation, emotional distress and potential physical illness. In the late 80’s, the Rockefellers brought top music executives and rap artists together with the idea of controlling the rap industry through violent music supported by oppression and civil unrest, aimed at the youth, using 440 Hz, known as the devils pitch. By 1990, there were over 1,500 private prisons, with the Rockefellers, Rothchild’s, Bushes and investors raking in billions, using prisons for their money laundering tax exemption schemes.
1980’s – 1990’s: Mind Control – Military Phycological Operations – Hypnosis: Mind control and military phycological operations would continue with, experimenting in prison’s such as Guantanamo Bay, using electrical stimulus, sleep deprivation, applying hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, expanding human consciousness, using pharmaceutical drugs and hypnotism for mind control in the quest to create the fearless super soldier for war. Hypnosis, would become popular into the 1990’s helping to reduce stress, anxiety and release past trauma, along with the advancement of brain wave technology. Hypnosis, known to guide somebody into a delta brain wave state and trance, that can open a person up to suggestions. Just like advertising on TV that can put us in an alpha brain wave state, with billions spent by companies, using the power of persuasion to buy, buy, buy.
1990’s: The Jerry Springer Show > Breaking Down Society: Coming in to the 90’s The Jerry Springer Show would bring a all new level of dysfunctional behaviour, a show filled with controversial topics such as incest and adultery, with guest airing their dirty laundry in public, with a good fight for entertainment value. Then comes the Jeremy Kyle Show in 2005, centered upon on confrontations in which guests attempt to resolve personal conflicts, often related to family and romantic relationships, sex and addiction, with an audience baying for blood encouraging the big fight. The influence of dysfunctional and negative behaviour would become the norm, breaking down society, family and values.
English Mentalist > Phycological Illusionist > The Power Of Suggestion: An English Mentalist and Phycological Illusionist, Derren Brown creates The Heist | FULL EPISODE – 2006, you can access on YouTube. Set up and filmed in London UK, it shows the process of how through the power of suggestion, out of a chosen group he chooses and influences 4 people vulnerable enough to rob a bank of 100,000.00. In a fascinating look at human behaviour, he shows how subliminal messaging and mind programming, tapping in to the vulnerability of the inner child, using the power of suggestion and persuasion. The sensory links of emotional states, certain triggers, music, a colour, certain words, anchoring subconscious triggers that can be activated. Bringing people to following orders and do thing’s unimaginable, unaware of their actions. Crazy! Imagine what the CIA could be up to behind the scenes?.
Chapter 5: 1996 – 2019. The Technology Information Age > Virus Of The Mind – Thought Infections & Mind Viruses: Coming in to the technology information communication age, the 1996 audio, Virus Of The Mind, by Richard Brodie shows how the science of the meme, thought infections and mind viruses, hijacking our human biology and behaviour, taking mind programming and social conditioning in to a dark period. Grand Theft Auto release in 1997 , promoting criminal behaviour, drug use, violence, sex and strong language. Hollywood movies glorifying alcohol, drug abuse, crime, violence and sexualization. Gangster rap and Hollywood movies influencing and impacting generations lost, who would catch the infectious contagious virus of negative energy and behaviour.