1996: Coming In to The Technology Information Communication Age >
Virus Of The Mind, Thought Infections and Mind Viruses > Negative Energy, Attitude and Behaviour
1996 – “Virus Of The Mind” Audio > Influencing Human Biology And Behavior: Around 2008, I came across the “Virus of The Mind”, a 1996 audio by Richard Brodie, an author and America computer programmer who worked at Microsoft. The audio looks at the science of the meme. The billion dollar marketing machine, and how the power of technology, thought infections and mind viruses can be used for mind programming. Using phycology, behavioral experts, language, visual imagery and emotional persuasion to influence our human biology and behavior. How we think, feel, see the world and develop our beliefs. This really opened my mind to the power of mind programming and social conditioning.
The Infectious, Contagious Virus of Negative Energy, Attitude and Behaviour
1997: Video Games > Gangster Rap > Movies – Glorified Aggression & Violence, Alcohol, Drugs & Sexualization: Sharing my life experience through my work, I was delivering stress, anger management and anti-bullying presentations in schools and to youth groups around 1997. Products of our environments and the power of influence, bringing awareness of how we grow up experiencing the frenetic and aggressive cartoons, violent video games such as grand theft auto produced in 1997. Gangster rap music with negative and aggressive lyrics, subliminal messaging and sexualization. Hollywood movies, glorifying violence, alcohol, drug abuse and crime, with satanic blood culture and mind programming negatively impacting generation after generation, with many catching the infectious, contagious virus of negative energy, attitude and behaviour.
1999: The Big Brother House UK – Human Behaviour Experiment: Launched on to the airwaves in the Netherlands in 1999, the big Brother House experiment would bring around 10 people together called house mates. With full on surveillance and cameras in every room of the house, there was no escape. Going through the process of living together for 3 months, enduring tests, challenges and with rewards, often alcohol to get the emotions and reactive behaviour pumped up. Along with a diary room for people to talk to big brother, share the experience, process through stuff and vote to evict a contestant. The opportunity to observe human behaviour was fascinating, gripping and popular with the masse, the show going world-wide in the UK, America and many other countries still going today. Inspired to go on the Big Brother show in 2001 it was a 6 month deep phycological process and interviews to see if I was a good fit to go on the show. With over 50,000 people entering the process, I got in to the last group of 25, going in to the stand by group replacing anybody who would come out of the house for unseen reasons. 6 weeks in to the process of waiting for the opportunity and needing to get on with my life, I called in to Big Brother, sharing my experience and the appreciation to go through the process, which for me was a deep insightful period of growth.
EMF’s – Negative Frequencies > Body Voltage > Electro Sensitivity > Poor Concentration
2002: 1G > 5G – Weaponry > EMF Sensitivity – Low Energy Electromagnetic Frequencies: From the introduction of 1G, 1st Generation technology communications introduced to Tokyo in 1979. By 1984 Japan was the first country to 1G nation wide. By 2002, the introduction of 3G with Blackberry launching its first mobile phone device. Like an Invisible Force: Using our phones, devices and watching big screen, without protection from Wifi and cell towers, the boiling frog effect and subtle impact of EMF’s, experiencing 3G to 4 and 5G over the years as had a increasing damaging impact on our human nervous system, disrupting our natural electromagnetic energy and flow, causing many negative reactions. The slow gradual increase in body voltage, electro sensitivity, agitation, poor concentration and processing skills, running down our nervous/immune system, leaving us vulnerable to viruses, with many other negative reactions and behaviours, 5G Weaponry: We are becoming more aware of the negative impact of 5G, know to be used as electromagnetic weaponry by the military and said to be used by police enforcement for controlling, agitating and disrupting crowds and peaceful protests. With the introduction of Wifi in to schools over the years, EMF’s are contributing to disruptive behaviour, anxiety and aggressive melt downs, especially when combined with late night video gaming, with schools becoming like stress factories!!.
Schools Like Big Pharma Playgrounds: ADD / ADHD / OCD: Interesting, working in the school system and alternative learning since 1997, I got to see the impact that stress, technology and an unhealthy lifestyle was having on children. The over stimulation of technology outside of school, the negative influence of video gaming, gangster rap with more access to media channels to access movies. Over consumption of processed chemical foods, endocrine disrupters effecting hormones and hijacking our biology, with constant junk food, sugar, dodgy tap water and fizzy pop contributing to the negative energy, attitude and behaviour. The unhealthy lifestyle and excess negativity impacting education, with WiFi and EMF’s zapping the airwaves and young people sitting down for most of the day and too busy for their bodies, schools were becoming like stress factories. I was seeing and working with more and more youth who were switching off, with schools like Big Pharma playgrounds. Designer labels such as ADD, ADHD and OCD taking young people on an emotional roller coaster. Accessing and studying brain gym, further developing my concept BoxWize, teaching the boxing fundamentals with a holistic approach skills to stress management, I started teaching young people to release and channel stress, learning to switch on and tune in both left and right brain for whole brain function and heart-mind connection.
Consumerism – Disconnecting From Our Hearts > Stuck In Our Heads > In The Matrix: Moving in to the rise of information, communication technology age, constantly on our phones and devices or glued to the TV, absorbed by the powerful influence of big tech, global media and bombarded by excessive advertising, consumerism was gripping the world. Easier access to movies, music, entertainment and the worship of celebrities like false gods, the In-to-the-Net and the world wide-web of control and their the ability to amplifying our stress levels and control our brain waves was being fine-tuned, with more of us becoming stuck in our heads, in the matrix, disconnecting from our hearts.
2003: Mass Control – Engineering Human Consciousness
Book – Audio, Author > Jim Keith: Back Of Book ‘Here stands the New Man. His conception of reality is a dance of electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters, designed so that he will not–under any circumstances–perceive the actual. This New Man’s happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media manipulator. Jeff Keith is one of the foremost writers and researchers on political conspiracy in the world today’. From the first stirrings of the phycological and technological control of humanity at the turn of this century to an education system intended to dumb students down rather than teach them. From the creation of the CIA and secret societies of the elite, to mass drugging of the population. Finally, to the invention of top secret mind control devices with capabilities far beyond anything that the media has never revealed to an unsuspecting public.
The Cosmic Information Communication Super Highway
2005 – YouTube > Alternative Thinkers > Truth Seekers > ConspiracyVille!: With access to the cosmic information super highway and so many other channels of communication; radio stations, streaming sites and interviews, spiritual leaders and conscious teachers with the launch of YouTube since 2005. Alternative thinkers and truth seekers going down so many rabbit holes into ConspiracyVille! Seeking the truth from the lies, connecting the dots and putting the pieces of the puzzle together to develop a clearer perspective of what was happening in the world. The likes of David Icke, a trail blazer who was ridiculed on the Wogan TV show in 1991, during his own awakening, he was speaking his truth, travelling and sharing his insight and wisdom, filling seminars and conference halls. Author of many books, such as, Children Of The Matrix, The Trap and more. Then there’s Alex Jones and Info Wars, Kerry Kassidy and Project Camelot, James Gilliland and his ECITI Ranch, with UFOs and off planet activities, and many more conspiracies surfacing. Whistle blowers showing up, exposing the dark secrets and the global elites agenda, sharing what was really happening behind the scenes, the corruption and lies inside, Washington DC the political machine and a deep state cabal.
The Free Masons > Hollywood & The Music Mafia > The Illuminati > Satanic Rituals
Celebrities & Stars > Illuminati Symbology > In Plain Sight: It was becoming easier to see who was who in the zoo, if you knew where to look. The global elites control, family bloodlines, hidden factions, the freemasons and there the masonic order and secret handshakes. The dark secrets of the devil at work in plain sight and now out in the open. Hollywood and the music mafia controlling celebrities and stars, caught in the illuminati Trap, bought and paid for. The rich and famous, secret hands signs through the media, illuminati symbology, the masses unaware of the subliminal messaging, mind control with many music stars exercising satanic rituals at their live concerts.
Hollywood Predictive Programming; Ramping Up The Fear – Contagion > Viruses & Bioweapons: Interesting, how mind programming and social conditioning was integrating predictive programing over the years. With access to Netflix and social media streaming sites, the movies were just getting more weird, dysfunctional, sick and twisted. Like Pandemic and Contagion, showing humanity taken over by viruses and bioweapons, preparing us for the zombie apocalypse and the end of times. Many of us unaware of trauma, fear based predictive programming, downloading thought infections and mind viruses on to our internal hard drive, caught mind matrix.
2008: Sound Healing Frequencies – 528 Hz > Music > Energy Healing Technologies: Developing BoxWize, movement and flow since 1997, travelling across the UK, the soulful house music dance culture was becoming big. Musicians and DJ’s were attuning and integrating the healing frequencies of love, 528 Hz in to their music and instruments. With access to the cosmic information communication super highway, there was a spiritual and self-help revolution, healing and personal growth was becoming more accessible the ever before. I was accessing many seminars, retreats, shamanic sweat lodges, vision quests and trying many energy healing modalities. Mind body spirit events, becoming aware of the power of the Schuman Resonance, learning to ground through the earths frequency. Buying EMF protection products and energy boosting technologies. Nikola Tesla, energy, frequency and vibration, zero point energy and scalar waves. Positive orgone for blocking cell towers and WiFi. There was a shift in human conscious and energy, the world was slowly waking up.
2012: The Great Awakening – The Zombie Apocalypse
The Polarization Of Fear & Love: So its November 2011, and It’s the 11th day of the 11th month, at 11 minutes past 11am in the morning and there I am at a mind, body and spirit event in Victoria, London, UK, sharing a deep meditation with good friends. People from all over the world, spiritual teachers, healers, workshops, new healing modalities and technologies. Heart-minded souls everywhere, there was so much love and light, you could feel the cosmic heart beat in the airwaves, the conscious collective connecting, charging things up, cranking up the energy, frequency and vibration. The January 2012 great awakening was coming or if you were watching Hollywood, the zombie apocalypse was here and it’s the beginning of the end. The polarization of two worlds, of fear and love was telling. Negatology had its grip on humanity for sure, with many consumed by the reactive and predictive mind programming. The great awakening was here, there was a shift in human consciousness, a window of opportunity but too many people were caught in the sensory hijack and unable to see through. We were in a long game of patience, over many years, moving in the deep, in the alternate world that was slowly waking up to the truth. Interesting, many say that 2012 was meant to be 2021.
Chapter 6: Now we are aware of the 1996 – “Virus Of The Mind” Audio and how thought infections and mind viruses were influencing our human biology, behavior and human technology. Let’s move on to Chapter 7 to see WHO’s WHO In The Zoo!, behind the scenes. The Rockefellers, Rothchild’s and global elites. The self-appointed and self-serving organizations that are all interconnected.