Through Part 2 and 3, let’s take a look at stress from the perspective that our human biology and human technology are one.

Human Biology: Running Our Old Amygdala Fear/Reactive Caveman Software > Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fawn

Caveman – Fear > Reaction: We are now more aware of growing up in a world of stress and vulnerability to reactive mind programming and social conditioning in this technology information age. Let’s look at our human biology and how through fear and stress, many of us are struggling to deal with our thoughts and feelings, processing through our e-motions, energy in motion, unaware we are running our old amygdala reactive caveman software; Freeze, Flight and Fight on our internal hard drive and operating system. Whilst hunting to survive and feed the family, when facing the saber tooth tiger or woolly mammoth, experiencing potential fear and danger, activating the amygdala reactive part of the brain, the caveman would experience Freeze, feeling overwhelmed, powerless and shutting down, consumed and eaten up by a situation. 

Flight, the caveman would run and get away, avoiding the stress of dealing with the situation. Fight, the caveman would use aggression but often losing control and the fight for survival. Fawn, is a common reaction in today’s world, known as people pleasing, avoiding uncomfortable conversations, hiding behind our emotions, giving our power and control to appease a person, situation or an authority. Biology of Belief: In this technology information age of media mind programming and social conditioning, it’s clear to see that many of us can be running a fear/reactive based program on our internal hard drive and operating system.

Caveman – Moving From Reaction to Response:  Looking back in time, when experiencing great stress and danger, through experience the caveman would learn to stay calm and present, using strength, strategy and skills to overcome the challenge of the sabre tooth tiger or woolly mamoth, developing their ability to respond, over time they would successfully harness the skills to live, hunt and survive. Even though in today’s world there is no sabre tooth tiger or woolly mammoth, it’s a good analogy to realize no matter how great the fear, stress and pressures are in life we can learn to develop our ability to respond, moving from reaction to response, using our emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence.

Stuck In Our Heads > Left Brain Dominant: Now let’s look at our left and right brain hemispheres and how we can get stuck in our heads, becoming left brain dominant, running our old reactive caveman software on our internal hard drive and operating system. Left & Right Brain Hemispheres: We have both a left and a right hemisphere of the brain that control separate aspects of your cognitive functions and dictating certain personality traits. More dominant left brainer’s are logical, analytical, linear thinkers, good with math, often in a career such as an accountant, scientist or computer programmer. More dominant right brainer’s are spontaneous, creative and more emotional than left-brainers, intuitive, good at problem solvers, comfortable with the unknown, compassionate and more connected to the heart.

Headucation: The education system emphasizes the left-brain dominance of logic and language, over the right brain’s more intuitive and creative faculties, those that are activated through rhythm and movement. The right brain absorbs sensory information and is more connected to the heart, helping us integrate reasoning, manage our emotions, address deeper issues and problem-solve from a holistic perspective. Without a Positive Release > Right Brain Switches Off: Every emotion we feel has a direct effect on our physical body, and without a positive release and process, our stress and emotions can build up inside, disrupting our energy system and flow. The overload of information, stress and programming, along with lack of movement and exercise, can cause the right brain to be overridden, effectively shutting it down.

Blocked Pathways in The Brain: This can result in blocked pathways in the brain, poor concentration, degraded listening skills, poor memory, becoming more left brain dominant, experiencing many more negative reactions to stress, we can feel tired, fatigued, anxious, overwhelmed and disengaged, becoming emotionally withdrawn we can look to escape or comfort the way we feel through junk food, alcohol or drugsNegative stress build up can show in our energy, attitude and behaviour, many of us struggling to keep the lid on emotions, frustration or anger, emotionally acting out we can pass on the way we feel. Lacking the ability to process through life experience, becoming emotionally withdrawn or emotionally acting out can lead to mental health issues, a negative mindset, prescription drugs, longterm addictions and ill health.

Left Brain Dominant: Becoming more left brain dominant and having a right brain that can be over sensitive and vulnerable to emotional persuasion, we can now see how the fear and reactive mind programming, and social conditioning in today’s technology age and media channels of communication can take over and control, gripped by the external world of think, feel, do. Stuck in left brain, we can experience the ego, self absorbed in a material world of want, taking ourselves serious and easily offended, we can be over thinkers often caught in a reactive mind loop, developing reactive patterns of behaviour. Lacking the willingness or ability to process through our thoughts, feelings and emotions, we can experience cognitive dissonance, challenged too critically think, changing our beliefs, often struggling with alternate perspectives and outside views.

Left Brainers can often be controlling and bullies, lacking empathy and compassion. Left, Right > Whole Brain Function: When the left and right brain is more in balance, we can feel more connected to our hearts, sensing a deeper knowing in our inner world of feel, sense, be, exercising our emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence. It’s interesting, when somebody say’s ‘you’re not in the right mind’,


Life can test us everyday in many different ways and when experiencing life’s stress, demands and pressures, dealing with our thoughts, feelings and emotions, we have a choice to react or respond.

Q: Check Yourself! When Managing Stress, Which Do You Do More?


The Biology Of Behaviour: Our Reactive Caveman Software – Left Brain Dominant > Freeze / Flight / Fight / Fawn

Are You a Reactor – A Stress Collector: Often struggle to process your thoughts, feelings and emotions, letting stress build-up inside?


Our Human Technology > Bright Response Software – Emotional Awareness > Heart-Mind Intelligence Switched On

Are you a Bright Responder: Do you deal with the way you feel, exercising your ability to respond, processing your thoughts, feelings and emotions when managing stress?


Now it’s time to go through The StressWize Guide Questionnaire 2, looking at an overview of Part 2, answering questions about our human biology, stress and our old fear/reactive caveman software. About the left and right brain, and how the right brain can switch becoming more left brain dominant. Then moving on to Part 3. Download Pdf. The StressWize Guide Questionnaire 2: Understanding Our Human Biology – Old Fear/ Reactive Caveman Software > Switching Off, Becoming Left Brain Dominant

Part 3: What’s Your Release? Part 3 will guide you through the process, learning to activate your human technology, switching on left, right, whole brain function and heart-mind intelligence. Managing life’s stress more successfully, we will look at how the fear/reactive amygdala part of the brain can open the gateway to the prefrontal cortex for critical thinking. Allowing you to develop your skills and positive energy, improving emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence.