In my book ‘Activating Flow, Releasing The Power Within’ I share The 3 Stages Of Activating Flow. Once you start to feel inspired and absorbed by the book, chapters 4, 9 and 10 provide illustrations of each stage of activating flow, with content allowing you to access the breakdown, finer elements and details of each stage. Below are coloured illustrations of each stage. Stage 1: Human Biology – Reaction > The Stuck Mind. Stage 2: Human Technology – Response > Switching On Heart-Mind intelligence, and Stage 3: Switching On and Tuning In to the Universal Flow Of Potential. Each stage will allow you to dive deeper, connecting the dots in your inner world.


Stage 1 – Reaction shows the biological elements of left-brain dominance.

Here is a breakdown of the elements of Stage 1:

  • Our reactive amygdala ‘caveman’ software: when we experience freeze, flight, fight or fawn, feeling overwhelmed, triggered, and negatively charged, with our heart rate racing and our body on high alert, we can be ready for intense physical activity, developing patterns of behaviour
  • The Hypothalamus: our mind-body emotional regulator can take over and run the show
  • The Endocrine system: Our negative thoughts, feelings and emotions then dump cortisol, the anxiety hormones or the adrenaline frustration/anger hormones into our endocrine system
  • The Sympathetic (reactive) nervous system: fear and stress then buildup in our sympathetic (reactive) nervous system

Without a Positive Release > Negative Reactions to Stress BuildUp 

  • right brain switching off
  • becoming emotionally withdrawn
  • over-reactive, avoiding discomfort when dealing with stress
  • living in the ego self-construct of external materialism and pleasure-seeking, influenced through technology and media
  • tension, burnout, and fatigue
  • disengagement, loss of focus
  • emotionally acting out, unable to control frustration and anger
  • passing on the way we feel to others (dumping)
  • comfort eating
  • suffering cognitive dissonance when faced with the need to change and re-evaluate one’s beliefs
  • mental health challenges, depression, addiction and long-term ill health


Stage 2 – Response shows what occurs when the right brain is awakened and left and right come into balance, and how so many more of our natural resources are available to us.

Here is a breakdown of the elements of Stage 2:

  • Switching on: using both left, right and whole brain function, we can now manage our old amygdala reactive caveman software more effectively
  • Hypothalamus: more aware of the hypothalamus part of the brain – our mind-body emotional regulator – we can learn to stay in control
  • The endocrine system: the endocrine system now relaxes and the body is calmer
  • Parasympathetic (response) nervous system:­ our parasympathetic (response) part of our nervous system comes into balance, counteracting emotions such as anxiety, frustration and anger, helping to prevent stress build up experienced through our sympathetic (reactive) nervous system
  • Prefrontal cortex: the amygdala recognizes there’s no danger (no sabre tooth tiger) which opens the gateway to our prefrontal cortex, allowing us to engage in critical thinking
  • Access to our Heart-Mind Intelligence: Using our critical thinking, we now have more access to feel, sense and process through out thoughts, feelings and emotions – energy in motion. Improving our emotional awareness and the ability to respond, using our heart-mind intelligence.
  • Open in the heart: more open in the heart, we can safely internalize the experience, allowing us to go through the process in a healthy way, using our bright response software and exercising emotional awareness and heart-mind intelligence
  • Processing past trauma:when experiencing unprocessed stress, conflict and trauma from past events, we are now more prepared to manage what we couldn’t before, perhaps with support from people we know and trust or professional guidance

The benefits of the Stage 2 shift from reaction to response can’t be over-stated. As you develop a more positive and motivated mindset you are in spirit and inspired, thinking more creatively, living more purposefully, becoming a problem solver and solution seeker. You realize the power of giving and receiving, and as you practice living from higher values you will naturally build stronger and more fulfilling relationships. As you find your way with these changes, you’ll find yourself and life in general to be very much more enjoyable.


Stage 3 shows full activation of our human technology. Now we are aware that, through our electromagnetic energy system, we are directly connected to the universal flow, to the Source.

Here is a breakdown of the elements of Stage 3:

  • Chakras and meridians: awareness of our chakras and meridians, our electromagnetic energy system and flow;
  • EMF protection: natural protection from harmful EMFs, low energy electromagnetic frequencies
  • Switched on and tuned in: your 3 brains synergistically working together, in tune, using our intuition
  • Grounded and present: feeling grounded, in the flow, more present and in the moment
  • Heart-mind intelligence: being a bright responder using heart-mind intelligence
  • Personal growth: personal growth, doing your inner work, healing the past
  • Sensory perception: improved sensory perception, higher seeing using our 3rd eye
  • Deeper knowing: sensing a deeper knowing from the heart, real connection and oneness
  • Synchronicities: experiencing more synchronicity, positive coincidences, when like attracts like
  • Upgrading your software: constantly upgrading your bright response software

Cosmic connection: our internal guidance system: There are so many amazing energy healing modalities out there today, and it’s all about finding what resonates with you. It’s important to not expect miracles – whether you feel a subtle change or a powerful shift, it’s about being in the process. Developing positive energy and attractor patterns as you let go of old beliefs, healing experiences may occur, giving you a deeper awareness and knowing. With your internal guidance system switched on and tuned in, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a cosmic reboot!

Your energy is your currency: amplify your supply! As we learn about how we connect to the electromagnetic universe, we can access more energy through the very flow we are all intrinsically part of.  Healing, releasing and letting go of the past, is like letting go of negative equity, recycling our energy. When we stay in our hearts, switched on and tuned in, we naturally attract the synchronistic flow; we meet the right people, events co-inside and circumstances show up in our life to teach us. We are plugged into Inspiratology through the cosmic information superhighway; conscious leaders, spiritual teachers and positive role models come into our life, and we are uplifted, inspired and empowered. We keep moving, managing the stresses and pressures of life, and dealing with our thoughts, feelings and emotions our energy is in motion. Going through the process with eyes open, living from our hearts, our energy is like a currency and we can learn to amplify our supply.


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